generatingfunctionology HS Wilf CRC press, 2005 | 2571 | 2005 |
Mathematical methods for digital computers-Volumes 1 and 2 A Ralston, HS Wilf New York: Wiley, 1967 | 1849 | 1967 |
Combinatorial algorithms: for computers and calculators A Nijenhuis, HS Wilf Elsevier, 2014 | 1556 | 2014 |
Uniqueness theorems for periodic functions NJ Fine, HS Wilf Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 16 (1), 109-114, 1965 | 743 | 1965 |
Algorithms and complexity HS Wilf AK Peters/CRC Press, 2002 | 564* | 2002 |
An algorithmic proof theory for hypergeometric (ordinary and “q”) multisum/integral identities HS Wilf, D Zeilberger Inventiones mathematicae 108 (1), 575-633, 1992 | 535 | 1992 |
Mathematics for the physical sciences HS Wilf Courier Corporation, 2013 | 372 | 2013 |
Recounting the rationals N Calkin, HS Wilf The American Mathematical Monthly 107 (4), 360-363, 2000 | 337 | 2000 |
An inequality for the chromatic number of a graph G Szekeres, HS Wilf Journal of Combinatorial Theory 4 (1), 1-3, 1968 | 288 | 1968 |
A= BAK Peters M Petkovšek, HS Wilf, D Zeilberger Wellesley, MA, 1996 | 257 | 1996 |
Rational functions certify combinatorial identities HS Wilf, D Zeilberger Journal of the american mathematical society 3 (1), 147-158, 1990 | 257 | 1990 |
The number of independent sets in a grid graph NJ Calkin, HS Wilf SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 11 (1), 54-60, 1998 | 248 | 1998 |
Subordinating factor sequences for convex maps of the unit circle HS Wilf Proceedings of the American Mathematical society 12 (5), 689-693, 1961 | 245 | 1961 |
The eigenvalues of a graph and its chromatic number HS Wilf Journal of the London mathematical Society 1 (1), 330-332, 1967 | 243 | 1967 |
Combinatorial algorithms: an update HS Wilf Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1989 | 241 | 1989 |
Spectral bounds for the clique and independence numbers of graphs HS Wilf Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 40 (1), 113-117, 1986 | 215 | 1986 |
A probabilistic proof of a formula for the number of Young tableaux of a given shape C Greene, A Nijenhuis, HS Wilf Young tableaux in combinatorics, invariant theory, and algebra, 17-22, 1982 | 215 | 1982 |
The interchange graph of a finite graph ACM van Rooij, HS Wilf Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica 16, 263-269, 1965 | 186 | 1965 |
A circle-of-lights algorithm for the “money-changing problem” HS Wilf The American Mathematical Monthly 85 (7), 562-565, 1978 | 175 | 1978 |
Topics in computational complex analysis: Ii. new developments concerning the quotient-difference algorithm P Henrici Computational Aspects of Complex Analysis: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced …, 1983 | 159 | 1983 |