Victor Satoru Saito
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Dispersal traits drive the phylogenetic distance decay of similarity in Neotropical stream metacommunities
VS Saito, J Soininen, AA Fonseca‐Gessner, T Siqueira
Journal of Biogeography 42 (11), 2101-2111, 2015
How Does Landscape Modification Induce Biological Homogenization in Tropical Stream Metacommunities?
T Siqueira, CGLT Lacerda, VS Saito
Biotropica 47 (4), 509-516, 2015
Community size can affect the signals of ecological drift and niche selection on biodiversity
T Siqueira, VS Saito, LM Bini, AS Melo, DK Petsch, VL Landeiro, ...
Ecology 101 (6), e03014, 2020
Should phylogenetic and functional diversity metrics compose macroinvertebrate multimetric indices for stream biomonitoring?
VS Saito, T Siqueira, AA Fonseca-Gessner
Hydrobiologia 745, 167-179, 2015
Cyclopoid copepods as bioindicators of eutrophication in reservoirs: Do patterns hold for large spatial extents?
G Perbiche-Neves, VS Saito, D Previattelli, CEF da Rocha, MG Nogueira
Ecological Indicators 70, 340-347, 2016
Subtropical streams harbour higher genus richness and lower abundance of insects compared to boreal streams, but scale matters
J Heino, AS Melo, J Jyrkänkallio‐Mikkola, DK Petsch, VS Saito, ...
Journal of Biogeography 45 (9), 1983-1993, 2018
The use of phylogenetic diversity in conservation biology and community ecology: A common base but different approaches
S Veron, V Saito, N Padilla-García, F Forest, Y Bertheau
The Quarterly Review of Biology 94 (2), 123-148, 2019
A Humboldtian approach to mountain conservation and freshwater ecosystem services
M Callisto, R Solar, FAO Silveira, VS Saito, RM Hughes, GW Fernandes, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 195, 2019
Characterization of galls, insect galls and associated fauna of Ecological Station of Jataí (Luiz Antônio, SP)
VS Saito, MV Urso-Guimarães
Biota Neotropica 12, 99-107, 2012
Egg‐laying traits reflect shifts in dragonfly assemblages in response to different amount of tropical forest cover
ME Rodrigues, FDO Roque, R Guillermo‐Ferreira, VS Saito, MJ Samways
Insect Conservation and Diversity 12 (3), 231-240, 2019
A metabolic perspective of stochastic community assembly
VS Saito, DM Perkins, P Kratina
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36 (4), 280-283, 2021
Phylogenies and traits provide distinct insights about the historical and contemporary assembly of aquatic insect communities
VS Saito, MV Cianciaruso, T Siqueira, AA Fonseca‐Gessner, S Pavoine
Ecology and Evolution 6 (9), 2925-2937, 2016
How does leaf litter chemistry influence its decomposition and colonization by shredder Chironomidae (Diptera) larvae in a tropical stream?
LA Leite-Rossi, VS Saito, MB Cunha-Santino, S Trivinho-Strixino
Hydrobiologia 771, 119-130, 2016
Beta diversity of stream insects differs between boreal and subtropical regions, but land use does not generally cause biotic homogenization
DK Petsch, VS Saito, VL Landeiro, TSF Silva, LM Bini, J Heino, J Soininen, ...
Freshwater Science 40 (1), 53-64, 2021
Distinct responses of Copepoda and Cladocera diversity to climatic, environmental, and geographic filters in the La Plata River basin
G Perbiche-Neves, VS Saito, NR Simoes, JR Debastiani-Junior, ...
Hydrobiologia 826, 113-127, 2019
Catchment scale deforestation increases the uniqueness of subtropical stream communities
F Schneck, LM Bini, AS Melo, DK Petsch, VS Saito, S Wengrat, T Siqueira
Oecologia 199 (3), 671-683, 2022
The riverine bioreactor: An integrative perspective on biological decomposition of organic matter across riverine habitats
I Peralta-Maraver, R Stubbington, S Arnon, P Kratina, S Krause, ...
Science of the Total Environment 772, 145494, 2021
Taxonomic composition and feeding habits of Chironomidae in Cerrado streams (Southeast Brazil): impacts of land use changes
VS Saito, AA Fonseca-Gessner
Historical legacies and contemporary processes shape beta diversity in Neotropical montane streams
JD González‐Trujillo, VS Saito, DK Petsch, I Muñoz, S Sabater
Journal of Biogeography, 2020
Land‐use intensification systematically alters the size structure of aquatic communities in the Neotropics
G Collyer, DM Perkins, DK Petsch, T Siqueira, V Saito
Global Change Biology 29 (14), 4094-4106, 2023
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