Javier Marenco
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A method for optimizing waste collection using mathematical programming: a Buenos Aires case study
F Bonomo, G Durán, F Larumbe, J Marenco
Waste Management & Research 30 (3), 311-324, 2012
On the b-Coloring of Cographs and P4-Sparse Graphs
F Bonomo, G Durán, F Maffray, J Marenco, M Valencia-Pabon
Graphs and Combinatorics 25 (2), 153-167, 2009
Facets of the graph coloring polytope
P Coll, J Marenco, I Méndez Díaz, P Zabala
Annals of Operations Research 116, 79-90, 2002
Exploring the complexity boundary between coloring and list-coloring
F Bonomo, G Durán, J Marenco
Annals of Operations Research 169 (1), 3-16, 2009
An application of the traveling tournament problem: The Argentine volleyball league
F Bonomo, A Cardemil, G Durán, J Marenco, D Sabán
Interfaces 42 (3), 245-259, 2012
Scheduling Argentina’s professional basketball leagues: A variation on the travelling tournament problem
G Durán, S Durán, J Marenco, F Mascialino, PA Rey
European Journal of Operational Research 275 (3), 1126-1138, 2019
A framework for scheduling professional sports leagues
K Nurmi, D Goossens, T Bartsch, F Bonomo, D Briskorn, G Duran, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1285 (1), 14-28, 2010
A framework for a highly constrained sports scheduling problem
K Nurmi, D Goossens, T Bartsch, F Bonomo, D Briskorn, GA Duran, ...
Newswood Limited, 2010
An integer programming approach to a real-world recyclable waste collection problem in Argentina
G Braier, G Durán, J Marenco, F Wesner
Waste Management & Research 35 (5), 525-533, 2017
Mathematical programming as a tool for virtual soccer coaches: a case study of a fantasy sport game
F Bonomo, G Duran, J Marenco
International Transactions in Operational Research 21 (3), 399-414, 2014
An approach for efficient ship routing
G Romero, G Durán, J Marenco, A Weintraub
International Transactions in Operational Research 20 (6), 767-794, 2013
Integer programming models for the routing and spectrum allocation problem
F Bertero, M Bianchetti, J Marenco
Top 26 (3), 465-488, 2018
Mathematical models for optimizing production chain planning in salmon farming
F Bravo, G Durán, A Lucena, J Marenco, D Morán, A Weintraub
International transactions in operational research 20 (5), 731-766, 2013
Scheduling multiple sports leagues with travel distance fairness: An application to Argentinean youth football
GA Durán, M Guajardo, AF López, J Marenco, GA Zamorano
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 51 (2), 136-149, 2021
General cut-generating procedures for the stable set polytope
RC Corrêa, D Delle Donne, I Koch, J Marenco
Discrete Applied Mathematics 245, 28-41, 2018
Un algoritmo branch-and-cut para el problema de mapping
J Marenco, I Loiseau
Mém. de mast. Universidade de Buenos Aires, Departamento de Computación, 1999
An integer programming approach to b-coloring
I Koch, J Marenco
Discrete Optimization 32, 43-62, 2019
Scheduling the main professional football league of Argentina
G Durán, M Guajardo, F Gutiérrez, J Marenco, D Sauré, G Zamorano
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 51 (5), 361-372, 2021
Optimización de la Recolección de Residuos en la Zona Sur de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
F Bonomo, G Durán, F Larumbe, J Marenco
Revista Ingenierıa de Sistemas 23, 2009
Chromatic scheduling polytopes coming from the bandwidth allocation problem in point-to-multipoint radio access systems
JL Marenco, AK Wagler
Annals of Operations Research 150 (1), 159-175, 2007
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