Emma Dafouz (ORCID - 0000-0002-2396-7391)
Emma Dafouz (ORCID - 0000-0002-2396-7391)
Professor of English Linguistics at Complutense University of Madrid, Phd, MSc Edinburgh University
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The pragmatic role of textual and interpersonal metadiscourse markers in the construction and attainment of persuasion: A cross-linguistic study of newspaper discourse
E Dafouz
Journal of Pragmatics 40 (1), 95-113, 2008
Towards a dynamic conceptual framework for English-medium education in multilingual university settings
E Dafouz, U Smit
Applied linguistics 37 (3), 397-415, 2016
Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: An introduction to English-medium policies, conceptual issues and research practices across Europe
E Smit, Ute and Dafouz
AILA Review 25, 1-12, 2012
ROAD-MAPPING English medium education in the internationalised university
E Dafouz, U Smit
Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
‘Surely they can't do as well’: A comparison of business students’ academic performance in English-medium and Spanish-as-first-language-medium programmes
E Dafouz, M Camacho, E Urquia
Language and Education 28 (3), 223-236, 2014
Conceptualising integration in CLIL and multilingual education
T Nikula, E Dafouz, P Moore, U Smit
Multilingual Matters, 2016
Exploring the impact of English-medium instruction on university student academic achievement: The case of accounting
E Dafouz, MM Camacho-Miñano
English for Specific Purposes 44, 57-67, 2016
Metadiscourse revisited: a contrastive study of persuasive writing in professional discourse. Regreso al metadiscurso: estudio contrastivo de la persuasión en el discurso …
E Dafouz
Estudios ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 11, 29-52, 2003
English-medium instruction and teacher education programmes in higher education: ideological forces and imagined identities at work
E Dafouz
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 21 (5), 540-552., 2018
Integrating CLIL at the tertiary level: Teachers’ and students’ reactions
E Dafouz, B Núñez, C Sancho, D Foran
Diverse contexts converging goals. Content and language integrated learning …, 2007
CLIL across educational levels: experiences from primary, secondary and tertiary contexts
E Dafouz, M Guerrini
Richmond Publ., 2009
CLIL in higher education: Devising a new learning landscape
E Dafouz, B Núñez
CLIL across educational levels: Experiences from primary, secondary and …, 2009
University Teachers’ Beliefs of Language and Content Integration in English-Medium Education in Multilingual University Settings
E Dafouz, J Hüttner, U Smit
Conceptualising Integration in CLIL and Multilingual Education 101, 123, 2016
English as the Medium of Instruction in Spanish Contexts: A Look at Teacher Discourses
E Dafouz
Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning: Contributions to …, 2011
Analysing stance in a CLIL university context: Non-native speaker use of personal pronouns and modal verbs
E Dafouz, B Nunez, C Sancho
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 10 (5), 647-662, 2007
Metadiscursive devices in university lectures. A contrastive analysis of L1 and L2 teacher performance
E Dafouz, B Núñez
Language Use and Language Learning in CLIL Classrooms 7, 213-231, 2010
Contrasting learner corpora: The use of modal and reporting verbs in the expression of writer stance
JA Neff, E Dafouz, H Herrera, F Martínez, JP Rica, M Díez, R Prieto, ...
Extending the scope of corpus-based research, 211-230, 2003
‘Does everybody understand?’Teacher questions across disciplines in English-mediated university lectures: An exploratory study
E Dafouz, D Sánchez
Language Value 5 (1), 129-151, 2013
Constructing complex Cognitive Discourse Functions in higher education: An exploratory study of exam answers in Spanish-and English-medium instruction settings
R Breeze, E Dafouz
System 70, 81-91, 2017
Argumentation patterns in different languages: An analysis of metadiscourse markers in English and Spanish texts
JA Neff, E Dafouz
Developing contrastive pragmatics: Interlanguage and cross-cultural …, 2008
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