Roman Gröger
Roman Gröger
Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciences
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Multiscale modeling of plastic deformation of molybdenum and tungsten: I. Atomistic studies of the core structure and glide of 1/2< 1 1 1> screw dislocations at 0 K
R Gröger, AG Bailey, V Vitek
Acta Materialia 56 (19), 5401-5411, 2008
Multiscale modeling of plastic deformation of molybdenum and tungsten: II. Yield criterion for single crystals based on atomistic studies of glide of 1/2< 111> screw dislocations
R Gröger, V Racherla, JL Bassani, V Vitek
Acta Materialia 56 (19), 5412-5425, 2008
Bond-order potential for simulations of extended defects in tungsten
M Mrovec, R Gröger, AG Bailey, D Nguyen-Manh, C Elsässer, V Vitek
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (10), 104119, 2007
Multiscale modeling of plastic deformation of molybdenum and tungsten. III. Effects of temperature and plastic strain rate
R Gröger, V Vitek
Acta Materialia 56 (19), 5426-5439, 2008
Twinning disconnections and basal–prismatic twin boundary in magnesium
A Ostapovets, R Gröger
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22 (2), 025015, 2014
Dislocation motion in tungsten: Atomistic Input to Discrete Dislocation Simulations
K Srivastava, R Gröger, D Weygand, P Gumbsch
International Journal of Plasticity 47, 126-142, 2013
Explanation of the discrepancy between the measured and atomistically calculated yield stresses in body-centred cubic metals
R Gröger, V Vitek
Philosophical magazine letters 87 (2), 113-120, 2007
Effects of non-glide stresses on the plastic flow of single and polycrystals of molybdenum
V Vitek, M Mrovec, R Gröger, JL Bassani, V Racherla, L Yin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 387, 138-142, 2004
Breakdown of the Schmid law in bcc molybdenum related to the effect of shear stress perpendicular to the slip direction
R Gröger, V Vitek
Materials Science Forum 482, 123-126, 2005
Stress dependence of the Peierls barrier of 1/2< 1 1 1> screw dislocations in bcc metals
R Gröger, V Vitek
Acta materialia 61 (17), 6362-6371, 2013
Defect-induced incompatibility of elastic strains: dislocations within the Landau theory of martensitic phase transformations
R Gröger, T Lookman, A Saxena
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (18), 184101, 2008
Directional versus central-force bonding in studies of the structure and glide of 1/2⟨ 111⟩ screw dislocations in bcc transition metals
R Gröger, V Vitek
Philosophical Magazine 89 (34-36), 3163-3178, 2009
Deformation due to migration of faceted {101¯ 2} twin boundaries in magnesium and cobalt
A Ostapovets, J Buršík, R Gröger
Philosophical Magazine 95 (36), 4106-4117, 2015
Constrained nudged elastic band calculation of the Peierls barrier with atomic relaxations
R Gröger, V Vitek
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 (3), 035019, 2012
Elemental segregation to lattice defects in the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy during high temperature exposures
M Heczko, V Mazánová, R Gröger, T Záležák, MS Hooshmand, ...
Acta Materialia 208, 116719, 2021
Effective pair potential for random fcc CoCrFeMnNi alloys
R Gröger, V Vitek, A Dlouhý
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 28 (7), 075006, 2020
On the bcc/B2 interface structure in a refractory high entropy alloy
ZT Kloenne, JP Couzinié, M Heczko, R Gröger, GB Viswanathan, ...
Scripta Materialia 223, 115071, 2023
Impact of non-Schmid stress components present in the yield criterion for bcc metals on the activity of {110}< 111> slip systems
R Gröger, V Vitek
Computational Materials Science 159, 297-305, 2019
Which stresses affect the glide of screw dislocations in bcc metals?
R Gröger
Philosophical Magazine 94 (18), 2021-2030, 2014
Effect of Eshelby twist on core structure of screw dislocations in molybdenum: atomic structure and electron microscope image simulations
R Gröger, KJ Dudeck, PD Nellist, V Vitek, PB Hirsch, DJH Cockayne
Philosophical Magazine 91 (18), 2364-2381, 2011
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