Francisco Gil-White
Francisco Gil-White
Universidad del Medio Ambiente (Valle de Bravo, México)
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The evolution of prestige: Freely conferred deference as a mechanism for enhancing the benefits of cultural transmission
J Henrich, FJ Gil-White
Evolution and human behavior 22 (3), 165-196, 2001
“Economic man” in cross-cultural perspective: Behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies
J Henrich, R Boyd, S Bowles, C Camerer, E Fehr, H Gintis, R McElreath, ...
Behavioral and brain sciences 28 (6), 795-815, 2005
Are ethnic groups biological “species” to the human brain? Essentialism in our cognition of some social categories
FJ GilWhite
Current anthropology 42 (4), 515-553, 2001
How thick is blood? The plot thickens...: If ethnic actors are primordialists, what remains of the circumstantialist/primordialist controversy?
FJ Gil-White
Ethnic and racial studies 22 (5), 789-820, 1999
Ultimatum game with an ethnicity manipulation
FJ Gil-White
Foundations of human sociality: Economic experiments and ethnographic …, 2004
Culture does account for variation in game behavior
J Henrich, R Boyd, R McElreath, M Gurven, PJ Richerson, J Ensminger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (2), E32-E33, 2012
Sorting is not categorization: A critique of the claim that Brazilians have fuzzy racial categories
F Gil-White
Journal of cognition and culture 1 (3), 219-249, 2001
16 Common Misunderstandings of Memes (and Genes): The Promise and the Limits of the Genetic Analogy to
FJ Gil-White
Perspectives on Imitation: Imitation, human development, and culture 2, 317, 2005
Ultimatum game with an ethnicity manipulation: Results from Bulgan Cum, Mongolia
FJ Gil-White
Cooperation, punishment, and reciprocity: Experiments in 16, 2001
The study of ethnicity and nationalism needs better categories: Clearing up the confusions that result from blurring analytic and lay concepts
FJ Gil-White
Journal of bioeconomics 7, 239-270, 2005
The Evolution of prestige: Freely-conferred status as a mechanism for enhancing the benefits of cultural transmission
FJ Gil-White
The cognition of ethnicity: Native category systems under the field experimental microscope
FJ Gil-White
Field Methods 14 (2), 161-189, 2002
Models of decision-making and the coevolution of social preferences
J Henrich, R Boyd, S Bowles, C Camerer, E Fehr, H Gintis, R McElreath, ...
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6), 838-855, 2005
Let the meme be (a meme): insisting too much on the genetic analogy will turn it into a straightjacket
F Gil-White
Culture, Nature, Memes. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 158-190, 2008
Large-scale human cooperation and conflict
FJ Gil-White, PJ Richerson
Encyclopedia of cognitive science, 828-837, 2003
How conformism creates ethnicity creates conformism (and why this matters to lots of things)
FJ Gil-White
The Monist 88 (2), 189-237, 2005
Is ethnocentrism adaptive? An ethnographic analysis
FJ Gil-White
Unpublished manuscript, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.[http://www …, 2005
Ultimatum game with ethnicity manipulation: Problems faced doing field economic experiments and their solutions
FJ Gil-White
Field Methods 16 (2), 157-183, 2004
L’evolution culturelle at-elle des règles
FJ Gil-White
La rechérche Hors Série, 92-97, 2001
Economic man in cross-cultural perspective: behavioral experiments in fifteen small-scale societies
J Henrich, R Boyd, S Bowles, C Camerer, E Fehr, H Gintis, R McElreath, ...
Santa Fe Institute Working Papers, 2001
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