Prekarität, Abstieg, Ausgrenzung: Die soziale Frage am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts B Aulenbacher, P Bartelheimer, M Behr, O Behrend, P Bescherer, ... Campus Verlag, 2009 | 500 | 2009 |
Organisational restructuring and emerging service value chains: implications for work and employment J Flecker, P Meil Work, employment and society 24 (4), 680-698, 2010 | 195 | 2010 |
Triangular love–hate: management and control in creative crowdworking P Schörpf, J Flecker, A Schönauer, H Eichmann New technology, work and employment 32 (1), 43-58, 2017 | 163 | 2017 |
Privatization of public services: Impacts for employment, working conditions, and service quality in Europe C Hermann, J Flecker Routledge, 2012 | 140 | 2012 |
Capitalising on subjectivity: The ‘new model worker’and the importance of being useful J Hofbauer Workplaces of the Future, 104-123, 1998 | 130 | 1998 |
Value chain restructuring in Europe in a global economy U Huws, S Dahlmann, J Flecker, U Holtgrewe, A Schönauer, M Ramioul, ... HIVA-KU Leuven; Leuven, 2009 | 96 | 2009 |
Outsourcing, spatial relocation and the fragmentation of employment J Flecker Competition & Change 13 (3), 251-266, 2009 | 93 | 2009 |
Arbeit und Beschäftigung: eine soziologische Einführung J Flecker utb, 2017 | 86 | 2017 |
The liberalization of public services: Company reactions and consequences for employment and working conditions J Flecker, C Hermann Economic and Industrial Democracy 32 (3), 523-544, 2011 | 81 | 2011 |
Changing working life and the appeal of the extreme right J Flecker Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2007 | 77 | 2007 |
It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it: production organisation and skill utilisation in commercial vehicles P Thompson, T Wallace, J Flecker, R Ahlstrand Work, Employment and Society 9 (4), 719-742, 1995 | 76 | 1995 |
Asian Emergence: The World's Back Office? J Flecker, R Bandi, S Dahlmann, H Eichmann, K Hirschfeld, S Siengthai, ... Institute for Employment Studies, 2004 | 73 | 2004 |
Divide and serve: The labour process in service value chains and networks J Flecker, B Haidinger, A Schönauer Competition & Change 17 (1), 6-23, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
" Sachzwang Flexibilisierung"?: Unternehmensreorganisation und flexible Beschäftigungsformen J Flecker na, 1999 | 63 | 1999 |
Restructuring across value chains and changes in work and employment: Case study evidence from the Clothing, Food, IT and Public Sector J Flecker, U Holtgrewe Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Hoger Instituut voor de Arbeid, 2008 | 61 | 2008 |
The end of institutional stability: what future for the'German Model'? J Flecker, T Schulten Economic and industrial democracy 20 (1), 81-115, 1999 | 61 | 1999 |
The production of ‘placelessness’: Digital service work in global value chains J Flecker, A Schönauer Space, place and global digital work, 11-30, 2016 | 57 | 2016 |
Jobs on the Move J Flecker, S Kirschenhofer European Case Studies in Relocating eWork, Brighton, 2002 | 54 | 2002 |
Globalisierung, Konzernstrukturen und Konvergenz der Arbeitsorganisation J Flecker, G Schienstock Institut für Höhere Studien, 1993 | 52 | 1993 |
Space, place and global digital work J Flecker Palgrave macmillan, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |