Felipe Bacim
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Rapid and accurate 3D selection by progressive refinement
R Kopper, F Bacim, DA Bowman
2011 IEEE symposium on 3D user interfaces (3DUI), 67-74, 2011
Human‐robot teaming for rescue missions: Team ViGIR's approach to the 2013 DARPA Robotics Challenge Trials
S Kohlbrecher, A Romay, A Stumpf, A Gupta, O Von Stryk, F Bacim, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 32 (3), 352-377, 2015
Amplified head rotation in virtual reality and the effects on 3d search, training transfer, and spatial orientation
ED Ragan, S Scerbo, F Bacim, DA Bowman
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 23 (8), 1880-1895, 2016
Design and evaluation of 3D selection techniques based on progressive refinement
F Bacim, R Kopper, DA Bowman
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 71 (7-8), 785-802, 2013
Slice-n-Swipe: A free-hand gesture user interface for 3D point cloud annotation
F Bacim, M Nabiyouni, DA Bowman
2014 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 185-186, 2014
The effects of display fidelity, visual complexity, and task scope on spatial understanding of 3D graphs.
F Bacim, ED Ragan, S Scerbo, NF Polys, M Setareh, BD Jones
Graphics Interface 2 (1), 25-32, 2013
Collaborative navigation in virtual search and rescue
F Bacim, ED Ragan, C Stinson, S Scerbo, DA Bowman
2012 IEEE Symposium on 3d user interfaces (3DUI), 187-188, 2012
Wayfinding techniques for multiscale virtual environments
F Bacim, D Bowman, M Pinho
2009 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 67-74, 2009
Overview of team vigir's approach to the virtual robotics challenge
S Kohlbrecher, DC Conner, A Romay, F Bacim, DA Bowman, O von Stryk
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics …, 2013
Application and evaluation of double-layer grid spatial structures for the engineering education of architects
M Setareh, B Jones, L Ma, F Bacim, N Polys
Journal of Architectural Engineering 21 (3), 04015005, 2015
3DUI 2010 contest grand prize winners
P Figueroa, Y Kitamura, S Kuntz, L Vanacken, S Maesen, T De Weyer, ...
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30 (6), 86-96, c3, 2010
Understanding touch selection accuracy on flat and hemispherical deformable surfaces
F Bacim, M Sinclair, H Benko
Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2013, 197-204, 2013
Building novel Web3D user interfaces: a case study from architecture and structural engineering
NF Polys, F Bacim, M Setareh, B Jones
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 135-138, 2013
Cognitive scaffolding in Web3D learning systems: a case study for form and structure
F Bacim, N Polys, J Chen, M Setareh, J Li, L Ma
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web 3D Technology, 93-100, 2010
Development of walking pattern evaluation system for hypogravity simulation
R Leaes, R Cambraia, F Bacim, G Dalmarco, A Calder, DFG De Azevedo, ...
Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems, 440-445, 2008
Application of an online interactive simulation tool to teach engineering concepts using 3D spatial structures
BD Jones, M Setareh, NF Polys, F Bacim
International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies …, 2014
Integrating web-based visualization with structural system understanding to improve the technical education of architects
M Setareh, F Bacim, BD Jones, NF Polys, T Geng, B Orsa
Journal of Online Engineering Education 3 (2), 2012
Challenges of Multitouch Interaction on Deformable Surfaces
F Bacim, M Sinclair, H Benko
ITS’12. Beyond Flat Displays Workshop, 2012
Preserving contextual awareness during selection of moving targets in animated stream visualizations
ED Ragan, A Pachuilo, JR Goodall, F Bacim
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2020
Poster: Evaluation of wayfinding aid techniques in multi-level virtual environments
F Bacim, A Trombetta, R Rieder, M Pinho
2008 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 143-144, 2008
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