Design of a multicore sparse Cholesky factorization using DAGs JD Hogg, JK Reid, JA Scott
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (6), 3627, 2010
124 * 2010 A synchronization-free algorithm for parallel sparse triangular solves W Liu, A Li, J Hogg, IS Duff, B Vinter
Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing: 22nd International Conference on …, 2016
113 2016 HSL_MA97: a bit-compatible multifrontal code for sparse symmetric systems JD Hogg, JA Scott
Science and Technology Facilities Council, 2011
63 2011 Fast synchronization‐free algorithms for parallel sparse triangular solves with multiple right‐hand sides W Liu, A Li, JD Hogg, IS Duff, B Vinter
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 29 (21), e4244, 2017
58 2017 A structure-conveying modelling language for mathematical and stochastic programming M Colombo, A Grothey, J Hogg, K Woodsend, J Gondzio
Mathematical Programming Computation 1, 223-247, 2009
45 2009 Replicated Computational Results (RCR) Report for A Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Direct Solver for GPU Architectures ET Bavier
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 42 (1), 2, 2016
41 * 2016 A proposed API for batched basic linear algebra subprograms J Dongarra, I Duff, M Gates, A Haidar, S Hammarling, NJ Higham, J Hogg, ...
Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Manchester, 2016
35 2016 A fast and robust mixed-precision solver for the solution of sparse symmetric linear systems JD Hogg, JA Scott
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 37 (2), 1-24, 2010
35 2010 New parallel sparse direct solvers for multicore architectures J Hogg, J Scott
Algorithms 6 (4), 702-725, 2013
32 2013 Pivoting strategies for tough sparse indefinite systems JD Hogg, JA Scott
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 40 (1), 1-19, 2013
30 2013 An indefinite sparse direct solver for large problems on multicore machines JD Hogg, JA Scott
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Technical Reports, 2010
21 2010 A DAG-based parallel Cholesky factorization for multicore systems JD Hogg
Technical Report RAL-TR-2008-029, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2008
20 2008 The effects of scalings on the performance of a sparse symmetric indefinite solver JD Hogg, JA Scott
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Technical Reports (-2022), 2008
20 2008 A New Sparse Solver Using A Posteriori Threshold Pivoting I Duff, J Hogg, F Lopez
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (2), C23-C42, 2020
16 2020 On the use of suboptimal matchings for scaling and ordering sparse symmetric matrices J Hogg, J Scott
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 22 (4), 648-663, 2015
16 2015 A note on the solve phase of a multicore solver JD Hogg, JA Scott
SFTC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Tech. Rep. RAL-TR-2010-007, 2010
14 2010 A proposed API for batched basic linear algebra subprograms. MIMS EPrint 2016.25 J Dongarra, I Duff, M Gates, A Haidar, S Hammarling, NJ Higham, J Hogg, ...
Manchester Institute for Mathematical Sciences, The University of Manchester, UK, 2016
13 2016 Compressed threshold pivoting for sparse symmetric indefinite systems JD Hogg, JA Scott
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 35 (2), 783-817, 2014
12 2014 A new sparse symmetric indefinite solver using a posteriori threshold pivoting IS Duff, JD Hogg, F Lopez
NLAFET Working Note, 2018
11 2018 A fast dense triangular solve in CUDA JD Hogg
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (3), C303-C322, 2013
11 2013