An iterative, fast-sweeping-based eikonal solver for 3D tilted anisotropic media UB Waheed, CE Yarman, G Flagg
Geophysics 80 (3), C49-C58, 2015
115 2015 Multipoint Volterra Series Interpolation and Optimal Model Reduction of Bilinear Systems G Flagg, S Gugercin
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 36 (2), 549-579, 2015
104 2015 Convergence of the iterative rational Krylov algorithm G Flagg, C Beattie, S Gugercin
Systems & Control Letters 61 (6), 688-691, 2012
81 2012 First-arrival traveltime tomography for anisotropic media using the adjoint-state method U Waheed, G Flagg, CE Yarman
Geophysics 81 (4), R147-R155, 2016
50 2016 Interpolation methods for the model reduction of bilinear systems GM Flagg
Virginia Tech, 2012
50 2012 Interpolatory H∞ model reduction G Flagg, CA Beattie, S Gugercin
Systems & Control Letters 62 (7), 567-574, 2013
48 2013 On the ADI method for the Sylvester equation and the optimal-H2 points GM Flagg, S Gugercin
Applied Numerical Mathematics 64, 50-58, 2013
35 2013 An efficient eikonal solver for tilted transversely isotropic and tilted orthorhombic media U Waheed, C Yarman, G Flagg
76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014 2014 (1), 1-5, 2014
10 2014 Generalization of Padé approximation from rational functions to arbitrary analytic functions—Theory C Yarman, G Flagg
Mathematics of Computation 84 (294), 1835-1860, 2015
7 2015 An interpolation-based approach to ℋ∞ model reduction of dynamical systems GM Flagg, S Gugercin, CA Beattie
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6791-6796, 2010
7 2010 Estimating A Wavefield For A Dip CE Yarman, G Flagg
US Patent App. 14/691,751, 2015
6 2015 An iterative, fast-sweeping-based eikonal solver for 3D tilted anisotropic media: Geophysics, 80 UB Waheed, CE Yarman, G Flagg
C49–C58, doi: https://doi. org/10.1190/geo2014-0375.1, 2015
5 2015 An iterative fast sweeping based eikonal solver for tilted orthorhombic media: 84th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 480–485 U Waheed, CE Yarman, G Flagg
Abstract, 2014
4 2014 An Interpolation-Based Approach to Optimal H∞ Model Reduction GM Flagg
Virginia Tech, 2009
3 2009 H2-optimal interpolation: New properties and applications, 2010 G Flagg
Talk given at the 2010 SIAM Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh (PA), 0
3 Eikonal Solver for Quasi P-Waves in Anisotropic Media U bin Waheed, CE Yarman, G Flagg
US Patent App. 15/023,628, 2016
2 2016 A CL-SRME workflow for inversion of shallow-water data with missing near-offset traces D Merzlikin, G Flagg, Z Wu, C Lapilli, F Xavier de Melo
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D011S126R004, 2021
2021 Parallel processing seismic wavefield data CE Yarman, G Flagg
US Patent App. 15/318,480, 2017
2017 Anisotropic structural smoothing in the fast multipole framework G Flagg
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016, 3940-3944, 2016
2016 A Parsimonious Joint Space-time Plane-wave Decomposition and Deghosting Algorithm for Multicomponent Data CE Yarman, G Flagg
77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015 2015 (1), 1-5, 2015