Elsbeth Spelt
Elsbeth Spelt
Wageningen University and Research / AERES University of Applied Sciences
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Teaching and learning in interdisciplinary higher education: A systematic review
EJH Spelt, HJA Biemans, H Tobi, PA Luning, M Mulder
Educational Psychology Review 21, 365-378, 2009
A multidimensional approach to examine student interdisciplinary learning in science and engineering in higher education
EJH Spelt, PA Luning, MAJS van Boekel, M Mulder
European Journal of Engineering Education 42 (6), 761-774, 2017
Exploration of logistics and quality control activities in view of context characteristics and postharvest losses in fresh produce chains: A case study for tomatoes
L Macheka, E Spelt, JGAJ van der Vorst, PA Luning
Food Control 77, 221-234, 2017
Constructively aligned teaching and learning in higher education in engineering: what do students perceive as contributing to the learning of interdisciplinary thinking?
EJH Spelt, PA Luning, MAJS Van Boekel, M Mulder
European Journal of Engineering 40 (5), 459-475, 2015
Identification of determinants of postharvest losses in Zimbabwean tomato supply chains as basis for dedicated interventions
L Macheka, EJH Spelt, EJ Bakker, JGAJ van der Vorst, PA Luning
Food Control 87, 135-144, 2018
Teaching and learning of interdisciplinary thinking in higher education in engineering
E Spelt
PQDT-Global, 2015
Interdisciplinary thinking in agricultural and life sciences higher education
EJH Spelt, HJA Biemans, PA Luning, H Tobi, M Mulder
Proceedings of the APLU-ICA Conference 2010, Gent, Belgium, 7-9 April 2010 …, 2010
a., Tobi, H., Luning, P. a., & Mulder, M.(2009)
EJH Spelt, HJ Biemans
Teaching and learning in interdisciplinary higher education: A systematic …, 0
luning, p. A. y Mulder, M.(2009)
EJ Spelt, HJ Biemans, H Tobi
Teaching and learning in interdisciplinary higher education: A systematic …, 0
Older adults’ active involvement in an undergraduate program in gerontology: Motives and meaning
M Sliepenbeek, C Smits, EJH Spelt, JS Jukema
Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 42 (4), 516-527, 2021
Equipping University Students with Transdisciplinary Consulting Competence: the Development of an Effective Learning Trajectory
VC Tassone, EJH Spelt, S Wahlen, P den Brok
2nd National Interdisciplinary Education Conference 2018, 2018
Teaching and learning of interdisciplinary thinking in higher education in engineering (
EJH Spelt
PHD thesis, 2015
Het leren van interdisciplinair denken in life sciences hoger onderwijs
E Spelt
Factoren van invloed op interdisciplinair Bèta-Gamma denken in het hoger onderwijs op het gebied van de life sciences
EJH Spelt, HJA Biemans, PA Luning, M Mulder, H Tobi
Zorgvuldig en Veelbelovend Onderwijs, Proceedings van de 34e Onderwijs …, 2007
Interdisciplinary teaching and learning in higher education-a systematic review: paper presented at the ICO toogdag
EJH Spelt, HJA Biemans, H Tobi, PA Luning, M Mulder
Factoren van invloed op interdisciplinair Bèta-Gamma denken in het hoger onderwijs op het gebied van de life sciences: paper gepresenteerd tijdens de ORD 2007
EJH Spelt, HJA Biemans, PA Luning, M Mulder, H Tobi
Factors influencing interdisciplinary thinking within the context of higher education: paper presented at the Junior Researchers of EARLI conference
EJH Spelt, HJA Biemans, PA Luning, M Mulder, H Tobi
Factors influencing interdisciplinary thinking within the context of higher education in the life sciences: paper presented at the AIS conference
EJH Spelt, HJA Biemans, PA Luning, M Mulder, H Tobi
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