Christian Brackmann
Christian Brackmann
Combustion Physics, Lund University
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Monitoring of lipid storage in Caenorhabditis elegans using coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy
T Hellerer, C Axäng, C Brackmann, P Hillertz, M Pilon, A Enejder
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (37), 14658-14663, 2007
Zebrafish: gaining popularity in lipid research
M Hölttä-Vuori, VTV Salo, L Nyberg, C Brackmann, A Enejder, P Panula, ...
Biochemical Journal 429 (2), 235-242, 2010
Laser-induced fluorescence of formaldehyde in combustion using third harmonic Nd: YAG laser excitation
C Brackmann, J Nygren, X Bai, Z Li, H Bladh, B Axelsson, I Denbratt, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 59 (14 …, 2003
Distributed reactions in highly turbulent premixed methane/air flames: Part I. Flame structure characterization
B Zhou, C Brackmann, Q Li, Z Wang, P Petersson, Z Li, M Aldén, X Bai
Combustion and Flame 162 (7), 2937-2953, 2015
Simultaneous PIV∕ OH-PLIF, Rayleigh thermometry∕ OH-PLIF and stereo PIV measurements in a low-swirl flame
P Petersson, J Olofsson, C Brackman, H Seyfried, J Zetterberg, M Richter, ...
Applied optics 46 (19), 3928-3936, 2007
Simultaneous multi-species and temperature visualization of premixed flames in the distributed reaction zone regime
B Zhou, C Brackmann, Z Li, M Aldén, XS Bai
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1409-1416, 2015
Structure of premixed ammonia+ air flames at atmospheric pressure: Laser diagnostics and kinetic modeling
C Brackmann, VA Alekseev, B Zhou, E Nordström, PE Bengtsson, Z Li, ...
Combustion and Flame 163, 370-381, 2016
Structure and laminar flame speed of an ammonia/methane/air premixed flame under varying pressure and equivalence ratio
RC Rocha, S Zhong, L Xu, XS Bai, M Costa, X Cai, H Kim, C Brackmann, ...
Energy & Fuels 35 (9), 7179-7192, 2021
Thin reaction zone and distributed reaction zone regimes in turbulent premixed methane/air flames: Scalar distributions and correlations
B Zhou, C Brackmann, Z Wang, Z Li, M Richter, M Aldén, XS Bai
Combustion and Flame 175, 220-236, 2017
Large eddy simulation and experiments of stratified lean premixed methane/air turbulent flames
KJ Nogenmyr, P Petersson, XS Bai, A Nauert, J Olofsson, C Brackman, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (1), 1467-1475, 2007
Dual-pump coherent anti-Stokes–Raman scattering microscopy
O Burkacky, A Zumbusch, C Brackmann, A Enejder
Optics letters 31 (24), 3656-3658, 2006
Thermometry in internal combustion engines via dual-broadband rotational coherentanti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy
C Brackmann, J Bood, M Afzelius, PE Bengtsson
Measurement Science and Technology 15 (3), R13, 2004
Mechanical stimulation of fibroblasts in micro‐channeled bacterial cellulose scaffolds enhances production of oriented collagen fibers
H Martínez, C Brackmann, A Enejder, P Gatenholm
Journal of biomedical materials research Part A 100 (4), 948-957, 2012
Effects of thermal processing on the in vitro bioaccessibility and microstructure of β-carotene in orange-fleshed sweet potato
A Bengtsson, C Brackmann, A Enejder, ML Alminger, U Svanberg
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 (20), 11090-11096, 2010
Dual-broadband rotational CARS thermometry in the product gas of hydrocarbon flames
F Vestin, M Afzelius, C Brackmann, PE Bengtsson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (1), 1673-1680, 2005
The Adiponectin Receptor Homologs in C. elegans Promote Energy Utilization and Homeostasis
E Svensson, L Olsen, C Mörck, C Brackmann, A Enejder, NJ Faergeman, ...
PloS one 6 (6), e21343, 2011
In situ Imaging of Collagen Synthesis by Osteoprogenitor Cells in Microporous Bacterial Cellulose Scaffolds
C Brackmann, M Zaborowska, J Sundberg, P Gatenholm, A Enejder
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 18 (3), 227-234, 2012
Simultaneous vibrational and pure rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy for temperature and multispecies concentration measurements demonstrated in sooting flames
C Brackmann, J Bood, PE Bengtsson, T Seeger, M Schenk, A Leipertz
Applied Optics 41 (3), 564-572, 2002
The effect of knock on the heat transfer in an SI engine: thermal boundary layer investigation using CARS temperature measurements and heat flux measurements
B Grandin, I Denbratt, J Bood, C Brackmann, PE Bengtsson
SAE transactions, 2003-2016, 2000
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy of cellular lipid storage
A Enejder, C Brackmann, F Svedberg
Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 16 (3), 506-515, 2010
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