Rafael Malach
Rafael Malach
Professor of Brain Research, Neurobiology Department, Weizmann Institute of Science
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Object-related activity revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging in human occipital cortex.
R Malach, JB Reppas, RR Benson, KK Kwong, H Jiang, WA Kennedy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (18), 8135-8139, 1995
Intersubject synchronization of cortical activity during natural vision
U Hasson, Y Nir, I Levy, G Fuhrmann, R Malach
science 303 (5664), 1634-1640, 2004
Functional analysis of human MT and related visual cortical areas using magnetic resonance imaging
RB Tootell, JB Reppas, KK Kwong, R Malach, RT Born, TJ Brady, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 15 (4), 3215-3230, 1995
The human visual cortex
K Grill-Spector, R Malach
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 27 (1), 649-677, 2004
Differential processing of objects under various viewing conditions in the human lateral occipital complex
K Grill-Spector, T Kushnir, S Edelman, G Avidan, Y Itzchak, R Malach
Neuron 24 (1), 187-203, 1999
fMR-adaptation: a tool for studying the functional properties of human cortical neurons
K Grill-Spector, R Malach
Acta psychologica 107 (1-3), 293-321, 2001
Coupling between neuronal firing, field potentials, and FMRI in human auditory cortex
R Mukamel, H Gelbard, A Arieli, U Hasson, I Fried, R Malach
Science 309 (5736), 951-954, 2005
Visuo-haptic object-related activation in the ventral visual pathway
A Amedi, R Malach, T Hendler, S Peled, E Zohary
Nature neuroscience 4 (3), 324-330, 2001
Center–periphery organization of human object areas
I Levy, U Hasson, G Avidan, T Hendler, R Malach
Nature neuroscience 4 (5), 533-539, 2001
Early ‘visual’cortex activation correlates with superior verbal memory performance in the blind
A Amedi, N Raz, P Pianka, R Malach, E Zohary
Nature neuroscience 6 (7), 758-766, 2003
Relationship between intrinsic connections and functional architecture revealed by optical imaging and in vivo targeted biocytin injections in primate striate cortex.
R Malach, Y Amir, M Harel, A Grinvald
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (22), 10469-10473, 1993
When the brain loses its self: prefrontal inactivation during sensorimotor processing
II Goldberg, M Harel, R Malach
Neuron 50 (2), 329-339, 2006
Visual motion aftereffect in human cortical area MT revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging
RBH Tootell, JB Reppas, AM Dale, RB Look, MI Sereno, R Malach, ...
Nature 375 (6527), 139-141, 1995
The dynamics of object-selective activation correlate with recognition performance in humans
K Grill-Spector, T Kushnir, T Hendler, R Malach
Nature neuroscience 3 (8), 837-843, 2000
Reliability of cortical activity during natural stimulation
U Hasson, R Malach, DJ Heeger
Trends in cognitive sciences 14 (1), 40-48, 2010
A sequence of object‐processing stages revealed by fMRI in the human occipital lobe
K Grill‐Spector, T Kushnir, T Hendler, S Edelman, Y Itzchak, R Malach
Human brain mapping 6 (4), 316-328, 1998
Eccentricity bias as an organizing principle for human high-order object areas
U Hasson, I Levy, M Behrmann, T Hendler, R Malach
Neuron 34 (3), 479-490, 2002
Coupling between neuronal firing rate, gamma LFP, and BOLD fMRI is related to interneuronal correlations
Y Nir, L Fisch, R Mukamel, H Gelbard-Sagiv, A Arieli, I Fried, R Malach
Current biology 17 (15), 1275-1285, 2007
Internally generated reactivation of single neurons in human hippocampus during free recall
H Gelbard-Sagiv, R Mukamel, M Harel, R Malach, I Fried
Science 322 (5898), 96-101, 2008
The topography of high-order human object areas
R Malach, I Levy, U Hasson
Trends in cognitive sciences 6 (4), 176-184, 2002
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