Reconstructing solidarity: Labour unions, precarious work, and the politics of institutional change in Europe VL Doellgast, N Lillie, V Pulignano Oxford University Press, 2018 | 328 | 2018 |
Solidarity at work: Concepts, levels and challenges G Morgan, V Pulignano Work, Employment and Society 34 (1), 18-34, 2020 | 114 | 2020 |
A global taxonomy of interpretable AI: unifying the terminology for the technical and social sciences M Graziani, L Dutkiewicz, D Calvaresi, JP Amorim, K Yordanova, M Vered, ... Artificial intelligence review 56 (4), 3473-3504, 2023 | 112 | 2023 |
Neither precarious nor entrepreneur: The subjective experience of hybrid self-employed workers A Murgia, V Pulignano Economic and Industrial Democracy 42 (4), 1351-1377, 2021 | 109 | 2021 |
Union responses to precarious workers: Italy and Spain compared V Pulignano, L Ortíz Gervasi, F De Franceschi European Journal of Industrial Relations 22 (1), 39-55, 2016 | 107 | 2016 |
Trade unions and labour market dualisation: A comparison of policies and attitudes towards agency and migrant workers in Germany and Belgium, PVMGA Doerflinger N. Work, Employment and Society 29 (5), 808–825, 2015 | 105 | 2015 |
From dualization to solidarity V Doellgast, N Lillie, V Pulignano Reconstructing solidarity: Labour unions, precarious work, and the politics …, 2018 | 95 | 2018 |
A Study Of The Determinants Of Work‐To‐Family Conflict Among Hospital Nurses In B Elgium L Lembrechts, V Dekocker, P Zanoni, V Pulignano Journal of Nursing Management 23 (7), 898-909, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |
Employment relations in Italy L Baccaro, V Pulignano International and comparative employment relations, 126-152, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Employee participation and involvement: Experiences of aerospace and automobile workers in the UK and Italy M Richardson, A Danford, P Stewart, V Pulignano European Journal of Industrial Relations 16 (1), 21-37, 2010 | 64 | 2010 |
International cooperation, transnational restructuring and virtual networking in Europe V Pulignano European Journal of Industrial Relations 15 (2), 187-205, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
The Diffusion of Employment Practices of US‐Based Multinationals in Europe. A Case Study Comparison of British‐and Italian‐Based Subsidiaries V Pulignano British Journal of Industrial Relations 44 (3), 497-518, 2006 | 59 | 2006 |
Workers' experiences of skill, training and participation in lean and high performance workplaces in Britain and Italy P Stewart, A Danford, M Richardson, V Pulignano Employee Relations 32 (6), 606-624, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
A head with two tales: trade unions' influence on temporary agency work in Belgian and German workplaces V Pulignano, N Doerflinger The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (22), 4149-4165, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
Connecting at the edge: Cycles of commodification and labour control within food delivery platform work in Belgium M Franke, V Pulignano New Technology, Work and Employment 38 (2), 371-390, 2023 | 49 | 2023 |
EWCs’ cross-national employee representative coordination: a case of trade union cooperation? V Pulignano Economic and Industrial Democracy 26 (3), 383-412, 2005 | 48 | 2005 |
Flexibility and security within European labor markets: The role of local bargaining and the “trade-offs” within multinationals’ subsidiaries in Belgium, Britain, and Germany V Pulignano, N Doerflinger, F De Franceschi ILR Review 69 (3), 605-630, 2016 | 47 | 2016 |
Worker agency and trade union renewal: the case of Poland A Mrozowicki, V Pulignano, G Van Hootegem Work, employment and society 24 (2), 221-240, 2010 | 47 | 2010 |
Still ‘regime competition’? Trade unions and multinational restructuring in Europe V Pulignano Relations industrielles 61 (4), 615-638, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
Production regimes and class compromise among European warehouse workers N Doerflinger, V Pulignano, SP Vallas Work and Occupations 48 (2), 111-145, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |