Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Ananth KalyanaramanSaiba mais
2 artigos não disponíveis publicamente
The genome of the domesticated apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.)
R Velasco, A Zharkikh, J Affourtit, A Dhingra, A Cestaro, A Kalyanaraman, ...
Nature genetics 42 (10), 833-839, 2010
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Scalable topological data analysis for life science applications
A Kalyanaraman
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers …, 2021
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
66 artigos disponíveis publicamente
The B73 maize genome: complexity, diversity, and dynamics
PS Schnable, D Ware, RS Fulton, JC Stein, F Wei, S Pasternak, C Liang, ...
science 326 (5956), 1112, 2009
Autorizações: US National Institutes of Health
Genome sequencing and analysis of the model grass Brachypodium distachyon
DNA sequencing and assembly Barry Kerrie 5 Lucas Susan 5 Harmon-Smith ...
Nature 463 (7282), 763-768, 2010
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Parallel heuristics for scalable community detection
H Lu, M Halappanavar, A Kalyanaraman
Parallel Computing 47, 19-37, 2015
Autorizações: US Department of Energy
Distributed louvain algorithm for graph community detection
S Ghosh, M Halappanavar, A Tumeo, A Kalyanaraman, H Lu, ...
2018 IEEE international parallel and distributed processing symposium (IPDPS …, 2018
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Scalable static and dynamic community detection using grappolo
M Halappanavar, H Lu, A Kalyanaraman, A Tumeo
2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-6, 2017
Autorizações: US Department of Energy, US Department of Defense
Efficient detection of communities in biological bipartite networks
P Pesántez-Cabrera, A Kalyanaraman
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 16 (1 …, 2017
Autorizações: US Department of Energy
Algorithms for balanced graph colorings with applications in parallel computing
H Lu, M Halappanavar, D Chavarria-Miranda, AH Gebremedhin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (5), 1240-1256, 2016
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
BioEarth: Envisioning and developing a new regional earth system model to inform natural and agricultural resource management
JC Adam, JC Stephens, SH Chung, MP Brady, RD Evans, CE Kruger, ...
Climatic Change 129, 555-571, 2015
Autorizações: US Department of Energy
Fast and scalable implementations of influence maximization algorithms
M Minutoli, M Halappanavar, A Kalyanaraman, A Sathanur, R Mcclure, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 1-12, 2019
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Vertex reordering for real-world graphs and applications: An empirical evaluation
R Barik, M Minutoli, M Halappanavar, NR Tallent, A Kalyanaraman
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 240-251, 2020
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
On-chip network-enabled many-core architectures for computational biology applications
T Majumder, PP Pande, A Kalyanaraman
2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 259-264, 2015
Autorizações: Department of Science & Technology, India
cuRipples: Influence maximization on multi-GPU systems
M Minutoli, M Drocco, M Halappanavar, A Tumeo, A Kalyanaraman
Proceedings of the 34th ACM international conference on supercomputing, 1-11, 2020
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
High-performance and energy-efficient network-on-chip architectures for graph analytics
K Duraisamy, H Lu, PP Pande, A Kalyanaraman
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 15 (4), 1-26, 2016
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Scaling graph community detection on the tilera many-core architecture
D Chavarria-Miranda, M Halappanavar, A Kalyanaraman
2014 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), 1-11, 2014
Autorizações: US Department of Energy
Special report: The AgAID AI institute for transforming workforce and decision support in agriculture
A Kalyanaraman, M Burnett, A Fern, L Khot, J Viers
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197, 106944, 2022
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Preempt: scalable epidemic interventions using submodular optimization on multi-gpu systems
M Minutoli, P Sambaturu, M Halappanavar, A Tumeo, A Kalyananaraman, ...
SC20: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2020
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US National …
Hyppo-X: A scalable exploratory framework for analyzing complex phenomics data
M Kamruzzaman, A Kalyanaraman, B Krishnamoorthy, S Hey, ...
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 18 (4 …, 2019
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
A fast and efficient incremental approach toward dynamic community detection
N Zarayeneh, A Kalyanaraman
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in …, 2019
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation
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