Florence cousson-gelie
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Analyse multidimensionnelle d'une échelle de coping: validation française de la WCC (Ways of Coping Checklist)
F Cousson-Gélie, M Bruchon-Schweitzer, B Quintard, J Nuissier, ...
Psychologie française, 1996
Psychological effect of exercise in women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant therapy: what is the optimal dose needed?
M Carayol, P Bernard, J Boiché, F Riou, B Mercier, F Cousson-Gélie, ...
Annals of oncology 24 (2), 291-300, 2013
Coping strategies of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review
C Vernhet, F Dellapiazza, N Blanc, F Cousson-Gélie, S Miot, H Roeyers, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 28, 747-758, 2019
Haematological cancer and quality of life: a systematic literature review
P Allart-Vorelli, B Porro, F Baguet, A Michel, F Cousson-Gélie
Blood cancer journal 5 (4), e305-e305, 2015
Are psychosocial factors associated with quality of life in patients with haematological cancer? A critical review of the literature
P Allart, P Soubeyran, F Cousson‐Gélie
Psycho‐oncology 22 (2), 241-249, 2013
Le questionnaire de soutien social de Sarason (SSQ6). Une adaptation française
M Bruchon-Schweitzer, N Rascle, F Cousson-Gélie, C Bidan-Fortier, ...
Psychologie française 48 (3), 41-53, 2003
The body-image questionnaire: an extension
M Koleck, M Bruchon-Schweitzer, F Cousson-Gélie, J Gilliard, B Quintard
Perceptual and motor skills 94 (1), 189-196, 2002
Do anxiety, body image, social support and coping strategies predict survival in breast cancer? A ten-year follow-up study
F Cousson-Gelie, M Bruchon-Schweitzer, JM Dilhuydy, MA Jutand
Psychosomatics 48 (3), 211-216, 2007
Vitamin E status and quality of life in the elderly: influence of inflammatory processes
L Capuron, A Moranis, N Combe, F Cousson-Gélie, D Fuchs, ...
British journal of nutrition 102 (10), 1390-1394, 2009
Characteristics and impact of theory of planned behavior interventions on smoking behavior: a systematic review of the literature
O Lareyre, M Gourlan, A Stoebner-Delbarre, F Cousson-Gélie
Preventive Medicine 143, 106327, 2021
Dyadic effects of coping strategies on emotional state and quality of life in prostate cancer patients and their spouses
A Lafaye, S Petit, P Richaud, N Houédé, F Baguet, F Cousson‐Gélie
Psycho‐Oncology 23 (7), 797-803, 2014
Dimensions of cancer locus of control scale as predictors of psychological adjustment and survival in breast cancer patients
F Cousson-Gélie, S Irachabal, M Bruchon-Schweitzer, JM Dilhuydy, ...
Psychological reports 97 (3), 699-711, 2005
Soutien social et santé: adaptation française du questionnaire de soutien social de Sarason, le SSQ
N Rascle, C Aguerre, M Bruchon-Schweitzer, J Nuissier, F Cousson, ...
Les cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale 33, 35-51, 1997
The Ways of Coping Checklist (WCC) validation in French-speaking cancer patients
F Cousson-Gélie, O Cosnefroy, V Christophe, C Segrestan-Crouzet, ...
Journal of health psychology 15 (8), 1246-1256, 2010
La mesure du coping: traduction et validation françaises de l'échelle de Vitaliano (Vitaliano et al. 1985)
I Paulhan, J Nuissier, B Quintard, F Cousson, M Bourgeois
Annales médico-psychologiques 152 (5), 292-299, 1994
French adaptation of the ways of coping checklist
M Bruchon-Schweitzer, F Cousson, B Quintard, J Nuissier, N Rascle
Perceptual and motor skills 83 (1), 104-106, 1996
Oncologists’ perception of depressive symptoms in patients with advanced cancer: accuracy and relational correlates
L Gouveia, S Lelorain, A Brédart, S Dolbeault, A Bonnaud-Antignac, ...
BMC psychology 3, 1-11, 2015
Evaluation of a psychosocial intervention on social support perceived control, coping strategies, emotional distress, and quality of life of breast cancer patients
F Cousson-Géalie, M Bruchon-Schweitzer, T Atzeni, N Houede
Psychological Reports 108 (3), 923-942, 2011
Quality of life, fatigue and changes therein as predictors of return to work during breast cancer treatment
B Porro, A Michel, C Zinzindohoué, P Bertrand, E Monrigal, F Trentini, ...
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 33 (2), 467-477, 2019
How does a physician's accurate understanding of a cancer patient's unmet needs contribute to patient perception of physician empathy?
S Lelorain, A Brédart, S Dolbeault, A Cano, A Bonnaud-Antignac, ...
Patient education and counseling 98 (6), 734-741, 2015
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