Daniel Corrêa Lobato
Daniel Corrêa Lobato
Assistant Professor
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Documenting the pen-based interaction
M da Graça Pimentel, C Prazeres, H Ribas, D Lobato, C Teixeira
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 1-8, 2005
Achieving causal and total ordering in publish/subscribe middleware with dsm
CMM Pereira, DC Lobato, CAC Teixeira, MG Pimentel
Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Middleware for service oriented computing …, 2008
Simulation of a centralized reputation system for vanets
MC Bidóia, MA Cavenaghi, R Spolon, R Spolon, A Manacero Jr, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed …, 2014
MOJOHON: A channel-driven communication architecture for applications deployed on the internet
DC Lobato, MQ Barbosa, M da Graça Pimentel, CAC Teixeira
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1061-1066, 2007
Proposta de um ambiente de simulação e aprendizado inteligente para RAID.
DC Lobato
Universidade de São Paulo, 2000
A new framework for data routing management in smartphones
GT Andreazi, A Boukerche, LHV Nakamura, MA Teixeira, DC Lobato, ...
Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management …, 2016
Android application to management multiple networking interfaces
V Tortorello, LHV Nakamura, DC Lobato, RI Meneguette
2015 International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems …, 2015
S-MOJOHON: Towards a semantic architecture for message exchanging
DC Lobato, RFB Neto, MQ Barbosa, M da Graça Pimentel, CA Teixeira
International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2007), 759-766, 2007
A multimedia instant messenger for an e-learning environment
DC Lobato, LA Baldochi Jr, DF Pires, TRM Pessoa, R Gasparin, ...
Proceedings of II Workshop do TIDIA 1, 1-8, 2006
A Framework to Manage Routes and Network Interfaces for Android Devices
DC Lobato, LHV Nakamura, MA Teixeira, RI Meneguette
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (8), 3762-3770, 2016
MASCA: MAnagement of simultaneous connectivity for applications
V Tortorello, LHV Nakamura, DC Lobato, RI Meneguette
2015 7th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security …, 2015
Automatic loops parallelization
CO Gonçalves, R Spolon, RS Lobato, A Manacero, DC Lobato
2014 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 1-5, 2014
Exploiting semantic information on a message exchanging middleware
DC Lobato, MQ Barbosa, RB Neto, CA Teixeira, M da Graça Pimentel
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 514-515, 2008
Audio and Video Streaming into the TIDIA-Ae Instant Messenger and into Tools for Accessing Resources Remotely “
D Lobato
II Workshop TIDIA, São Paulo, Brazil, 2005
A context-based web service approach to communities of practice
RF Bulcão Neto, CHO Jardim, JAC Guerrero, DC Lobato, MGC Pimentel
Anais, 2004
Paralelização automática de laços
CO Gonçalves, R Spolon, RS Lobato, A Manacero, DC Lobato
IEEE, 2014
FireViz: An application for viewing the indication of forest fires spots on a map system with APIs support
GS Ferrante, LHV Nakamura, DC Lobato, RI Meneguette
2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2021
FireViz: uma aplicação para visualização de indicação de focos de queimadas em um sistema de mapa com o suporte de APIs
GS Ferrante, LHV Nakamura, DC Lobato, RI Meneguette
Proceedings, 2021
Meta Reconfiguration of Adaptive Middleware Using Semantic Web and Context Information
DC Lobato
2011 IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 704-707, 2011
Preservation of ordering in a network of brokers
CMM Pereira, CAC Teixeira, DC Lobato, MG Pimentel
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 88-89, 2009
O sistema não pode executar a operação agora. Tente novamente mais tarde.
Artigos 1–20