Pranab Kar
Pranab Kar
Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Memphis
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Assessing the crash risk of mixed traffic on multilane rural highways using a proactive safety approach
P Kar, SP Venthuruthiyil, M Chunchu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 188, 107099, 2023
Non-stationary crash risk modelling of powered two-wheelers using extreme value analysis of surrogate crash events
P Kar, SP Venthuruthiyil, M Chunchu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 183, 106973, 2023
Crash risk estimation of Heavy Commercial vehicles on horizontal curves in mountainous terrain using proactive safety method
P Kar, SP Venthuruthiyil, M Chunchu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 199, 107521, 2024
Exploratory analysis of evasion actions of powered two-wheeler conflicts at unsignalized intersection
P Kar, S Kumar, S Samalla, M Chunchu, KVRR Shankar
Accident Analysis & Prevention 194, 107363, 2024
Evaluating the crash risk of powered two-wheelers in urban mixed traffic environments: a conflict threshold perspective
S Samalla, P Kar, M Chunchu
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 31 (3), 477-486, 2024
Passenger car equivalent estimation for rural highways: methodological review
BS Omar, P Kar, M Chunchu
Transportation research procedia 48, 801-816, 2020
Traffic State Variability and Its Impact on Powered Two-Wheeler Crash Risk: A Proactive Assessment
S Samalla, P Kar, M Chunchu
International Conference on Transportation System Engineering and Management …, 2023
Passenger car equivalents for the heterogeneous traffic on divided rural highways based on simulation model
SO Ballari, P Kar, M Chunchu
Transportation in Developing Economies 4, 1-13, 2018
Assessment of the Impact of Heavy Commercial Vehicles on the Safety of Passenger Cars on Multi-lane Rural Highways
P Kar, PS Venthuruthiyil, S Singh, C Mallikarjuna
14th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation …, 2022
Effect of steering on the sideswipe crash Risk of Powered Two Wheelers on Multilane Rural Highways for the Connected Autonomous Vehicles
P Kar, C Mallikarjuna
International Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow, IIT Delhi, India, 2022
2A. 003 Potential crash-risks for vehicles in staggered car-following on multilane-highways under low-density conditions
K Pranab, PV Suvin, C Mallikarjuna
Injury prevention 27 (Suppl 2), A12-A12, 2021
Influence of trucks on the safety of passenger cars on rural highways
P Kar, PS Venthuruthiyil, C Mallikarjuna, S Singh
13th International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation …, 2020
Passenger Car Equivalents for Level of Service Analysis on Multilane Rural Highways Using Simulation Based Approach
SO Ballari, P Kar
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
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