Roy Maconachie
Roy Maconachie
Senior Lecturer in International Development, University of Bath
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‘Farming miners’ or ‘mining farmers’?: Diamond mining and rural development in post-conflict Sierra Leone
R Maconachie, T Binns
Journal of Rural studies 23 (3), 367-380, 2007
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in sub-Saharan Africa: Re-conceptualizing formalization and ‘illegal’activity
G Hilson, A Hilson, R Maconachie, J McQuilken, H Goumandakoye
Geoforum 83, 80-90, 2017
Electricity planning and implementation in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review
PA Trotter, MC McManus, R Maconachie
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74, 1189-1209, 2017
Beyond the ‘crisis of youth’? Mining, farming, and civil society in post-war Sierra Leone
R Fanthorpe, R Maconachie
African Affairs 109 (435), 251-272, 2010
Water, land and health in urban and peri‐urban food production: the case of Kano, Nigeria
JA Binns, RA Maconachie, AI Tanko
Land Degradation & Development 14 (5), 431-444, 2003
Artisanal and small-scale mining and the Sustainable Development Goals: Opportunities and new directions for sub-Saharan Africa
G Hilson, R Maconachie
Geoforum 111, 125-141, 2020
“Good governance” and the extractive industries in Sub-Saharan Africa
G Hilson, R Maconachie
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 30 (1), 52-100, 2008
Formalising artisanal and small‐scale mining: insights, contestations and clarifications
G Hilson, R Maconachie
Area 49 (4), 443-451, 2017
Safeguarding livelihoods or exacerbating poverty? Artisanal mining and formalization in West Africa
R Maconachie, G Hilson
Natural Resources Forum 35 (4), 293-303, 2011
Re‐agrarianising livelihoods in post‐conflict Sierra Leone? Mineral wealth and rural change in artisanal and small‐scale mining communities
R Maconachie
Journal of International Development 23 (8), 1054-1067, 2011
Re-thinking the child labor “problem” in rural sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Sierra Leone’s half shovels
R Maconachie, G Hilson
World development 78, 136-147, 2016
Beyond the resource curse? Diamond mining, development and post-conflict reconstruction in Sierra Leone
R Maconachie, T Binns
Resources policy 32 (3), 104-115, 2007
For the environment: an assessment of recent military intervention in informal gold mining communities in Ghana
G Hilson, R Maconachie
Land use policy 96, 104706, 2020
Meeting the urban challenge? Urban agriculture and food security in post-conflict Freetown, Sierra Leone
K Lynch, R Maconachie, T Binns, P Tengbe, K Bangura
Applied Geography 36, 31-39, 2013
Diamonds, governance and ‘local’development in post-conflict Sierra Leone: Lessons for artisanal and small-scale mining in sub-Saharan Africa?
R Maconachie
Resources Policy 34 (1-2), 71-79, 2009
Female faces in informal ‘spaces’: Women and artisanal and small-scale mining in sub-Saharan Africa
G Hilson, A Hilson, A Siwale, R Maconachie
Africa Journal of Management 4 (3), 306-346, 2018
Descending the energy ladder? Oil price shocks and domestic fuel choices in Kano, Nigeria
R Maconachie, A Tanko, M Zakariya
Land use policy 26 (4), 1090-1099, 2009
Opportunity or necessity? Conceptualizing entrepreneurship at African small-scale mines
G Hilson, A Hilson, R Maconachie
Technological forecasting and social change 131, 286-302, 2018
Urban morphology dynamics and environmental change in Kano, Nigeria
AS Barau, R Maconachie, ANM Ludin, A Abdulhamid
Land Use Policy 42, 307-317, 2015
Artisanal gold mining: a new frontier in post-conflict Sierra Leone?
R Maconachie, G Hilson
The Journal of Development Studies 47 (4), 595-616, 2011
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