Liao Honglin
Liao Honglin
Nanjing University of Science and Technology
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Sharp error estimate of the nonuniform L1 formula for linear reaction-subdiffusion equations
H Liao, D Li, J Zhang
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 56 (2), 1112-1133, 2018
A discrete Gronwall inequality with applications to numerical schemes for subdiffusion problems
H Liao, W McLean, J Zhang
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 57 (1), 218-237, 2019
Finite difference methods for the time fractional diffusion equation on non-uniform meshes
Y Zhang, Z Sun, H Liao
Journal of Computational Physics 265, 195-210, 2014
Analysis of -Galerkin FEMs for time-fractional nonlinear parabolic problems
D Li, HL Liao, W Sun, J Wang, J Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.00562, 2016
Maximum norm error bounds of ADI and compact ADI methods for solving parabolic equations
HL Liao, ZZ Sun
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2010
A second-order and nonuniform time-stepping maximum-principle preserving scheme for time-fractional Allen-Cahn equations
H Liao, T Tang, T Zhou
Journal of Computational Physics 414, 109473, 2020
A second-order scheme with nonuniform time steps for a linear reaction-sudiffusion problem
HL Liao, W McLean, J Zhang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.09873, 2018
Error estimate of fourth-order compact scheme for linear Schrödinger equations
H Liao, Z Sun, H Shi
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 (6), 4381-4401, 2010
On energy stable, maximum-principle preserving, second-order BDF scheme with variable steps for the Allen--Cahn equation
H Liao, T Tang, T Zhou
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 58 (4), 2294-2314, 2020
Analysis of adaptive BDF2 scheme for diffusion equations
H Liao, Z Zhang
Mathematics of Computation 90 (329), 1207-1226, 2021
Unconditional convergence of a fast two-level linearized algorithm for semilinear subdiffusion equations
H Liao, Y Yan, J Zhang
Journal of Scientific Computing 80, 1-25, 2019
An adaptive BDF2 implicit time-stepping method for the phase field crystal model
H Liao, B Ji, L Zhang
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 42 (1), 649-679, 2022
Sharp H1-norm error estimates of two time-stepping schemes for reaction–subdiffusion problems
J Ren, H Liao, J Zhang, Z Zhang
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 389, 113352, 2021
Adaptive second-order Crank--Nicolson time-stepping schemes for time-fractional molecular beam epitaxial growth models
B Ji, H Liao, Y Gong, L Zhang
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (3), B738-B760, 2020
Unconditional stability of corrected explicit-implicit domain decomposition algorithms for parallel approximation of heat equations
HS Shi, HL Liao
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 44 (4), 1584-1611, 2006
An energy stable and maximum bound preserving scheme with variable time steps for time fractional Allen--Cahn equation
H Liao, T Tang, T Zhou
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (5), A3503-A3526, 2021
Analysis of the second-order BDF scheme with variable steps for the molecular beam epitaxial model without slope selection
HL Liao, X Song, T Tang, T Zhou
Science China Mathematics 64, 887-902, 2021
Mesh-robustness of an energy stable BDF2 scheme with variable steps for the Cahn–Hilliard model
H Liao, B Ji, L Wang, Z Zhang
Journal of Scientific Computing 92 (2), 52, 2022
Simple maximum principle preserving time-stepping methods for time-fractional Allen-Cahn equation
B Ji, H Liao, L Zhang
Advances in Computational Mathematics 46, 1-24, 2020
A second-order fast compact scheme with unequal time-steps for subdiffusion problems
X Li, H Liao, L Zhang
Numerical Algorithms 86, 1011-1039, 2021
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