Marciel Elio Rodrigues
Marciel Elio Rodrigues
Professor de Estatística/Ecologia, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
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A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels
J Heino, AS Melo, LM Bini, F Altermatt, SA Al‐Shami, DG Angeler, ...
Ecology and evolution 5 (6), 1235-1248, 2015
Thresholds of freshwater biodiversity in response to riparian vegetation loss in the Neotropical region
RB Dala‐Corte, AS Melo, T Siqueira, LM Bini, RT Martins, AM Cunico, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (7), 1391-1402, 2020
Nonlinear responses in damselfly community along a gradient of habitat loss in a savanna landscape
ME Rodrigues, F de Oliveira Roque, JMO Quintero, JC de Castro Pena, ...
Biological Conservation 194, 113-120, 2016
Toward a practical use of Neotropical odonates as bioindicators: Testing congruence across taxonomic resolution and life stages
F Valente-Neto, F de Oliveira Roque, ME Rodrigues, L Juen, CM Swan
Ecological Indicators 61, 952-959, 2016
O conteúdo de sistemática e filogenética em livros didáticos do ensino médio
ME Rodrigues, LAD Justina, FA Meglhioratti
Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências 13 (2), 65-84, 2011
Egg‐laying traits reflect shifts in dragonfly assemblages in response to different amount of tropical forest cover
ME Rodrigues, FDO Roque, R Guillermo‐Ferreira, VS Saito, MJ Samways
Insect Conservation and Diversity 12 (3), 231-240, 2019
Checklist de Odonata do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil
ME Rodrigues, FO Roque
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 107, e2017117, 2017
Selecting indicators based on biodiversity surrogacy and environmental response in a riverine network: Bringing operationality to biomonitoring
F Valente-Neto, ME Rodrigues, F de Oliveira Roque
Ecological indicators 94, 198-206, 2018
The Zygoptera/Anisoptera ratio as a tool to assess anthropogenic changes in Atlantic Forest streams
C Ribeiro, L Juen, ME Rodrigues
Biodiversity and Conservation 30 (5), 1315-1329, 2021
Odonates from Bodoquena Plateau: checklist and information about endangered species
R Koroiva, ME Rodrigues, F Valente-Neto, FO Roque
Biota neotropica 17, e20160310, 2017
DNA barcoding of odonates from the Upper Plata basin: Database creation and genetic diversity estimation
R Koroiva, M Pepinelli, ME Rodrigues, FO Roque, AP Lorenz-Lemke, ...
PLoS One 12 (8), e0182283, 2017
The global EPTO database: Worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects
A Grigoropoulou, SA Hamid, R Acosta, EO Akindele, SA Al‐Shami, ...
Global ecology and biogeography 32 (5), 642-655, 2023
Survey of dragonflies (Odonata) in palm swamps of Cerrado hotspot
ME Rodrigues, EB Moura, R Koroiva, ACP Borges, F de Oliveira Roque
Entomological News 128 (1), 24-38, 2018
Phylogenetic clustering among aggressive competitors: evidence from odonate assemblages along a riverine gradient
VS Saito, F Valente-Neto, ME Rodrigues, F de Oliveira Roque, T Siqueira
Oecologia 182, 219-229, 2016
Check-list of Odonata from the state of Bahia, Brazil: ecological information, distribution, and new state records
C Ribeiro, B Firme, SA Araujo, A de Sá, F Zander, K Teixeira, LR Santos, ...
Odonatologica 50 (3-4), 161-186, 2021
Dragonflies within and outside a protected area: a comparison revealing the role of well-preserved atlantic forests in the preservation of critically endangered, phytotelmatous …
C Ribeiro, ME Rodrigues, G Sahlén, F de Oliveira Roque
Journal of Insect Conservation 26 (2), 271-282, 2022
Dragonflies as indicators of the environmental conditions of veredas in a region of central-western Brazil
ME Rodrigues, EB Moura, FO Roque
Oecologia Australis 23 (4), 2019
Sampling completeness changes perceptions of continental scale climate–species richness relationships in odonates
F Alves‐Martins, J Stropp, L Juen, RJ Ladle, JM Lobo, J Martinez‐Arribas, ...
Journal of Biogeography 51 (7), 1148-1162, 2024
Land uses for pasture and cacao cultivation modify the Odonata assemblages in Atlantic Forest areas
LR Santos, ME Rodrigues
Diversity 14 (8), 672, 2022
Dragonflies (Odonata) in cocoa growing areas in the Atlantic Forest: taxonomic diversity and relationships with environmental and spatial variables
LR Santos, ME Rodrigues
Diversity 14 (11), 919, 2022
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