Annesha Enam, PhD
Annesha Enam, PhD
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
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Integrating supply and demand perspectives for a large-scale simulation of shared autonomous vehicles
KM Gurumurthy, F de Souza, A Enam, J Auld
Transportation Research Record 2674 (7), 181-192, 2020
Relationship between well-being and daily time use of elderly: evidence from the disabilities and use of time survey
A Enam, KC Konduri, N Eluru, S Ravulaparthy
Transportation, 1-28, 2015
Methodological Issues in Developing Mode Choice Models for Dhaka, Bangladesh
A Enam, CF Choudhury
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2011
Time allocation behavior of twentieth-century American generations: GI generation, silent generation, baby boomers, generation X, and millennials
A Enam, KC Konduri
Transportation Research Record 2672 (49), 69-80, 2018
Citywide impacts of E-commerce: Does parcel delivery travel outweigh household shopping travel reductions?
M Stinson, A Enam, A Moore, J Auld
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/EIGSCC Symposium on Smart Cities and Communities, 1-7, 2019
Modelling multiple occurrences of activities during a day: an extension of the MDCEV model
D Palma, A Enam, S Hess, C Calastri, R Crastes dit Sourd
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 9 (1), 456-478, 2021
Exploring the mobility and energy implications of shared versus private autonomous vehicles*
JA Auld, F de Souza, A Enam, M Javanmardi, M Stinson, O Verbas, ...
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 1691-1696, 2019
An integrated choice and latent variable model for multiple discrete continuous choice kernels: Application exploring the association between day level moods and discretionary …
A Enam, KC Konduri, AR Pinjari, N Eluru
Journal of choice modelling 26, 80-100, 2018
A campus on the move: Modal choices of students and staff at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland
P Rérat
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 12, 100490, 2021
Face mask mandates and risk compensation: an analysis of mobility data during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh
Z Wadud, SM Rahman, A Enam
BMJ global health 7 (1), 2022
Developing a Comprehensive Mode Choice Model to Capture the Preferences for Mass Rapid Transit in Dhaka
A Enam
M. Sc. Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of …, 2010
An analysis of the harassments and challenges faced by the public transport users in a developing country of South Asia
S Yasir, T Ahmad, A Enam
Frontiers in Built Environment 8, 1049121, 2022
Day Pattern Generation System for Jointly Modeling Tours and Stops: Bi-level Multiple Discrete Continuous Probit Model
A Enam, KC Konduri
Transportation Research Record 2665 (1), 69-79, 2017
Exploring joint activity-tour participation, time allocation, and mode choice decisions
NA Khan, A Enam, MA Habib, KC Konduri
Transportation Letters 15 (9), 1191-1201, 2023
SMART Mobility. Modeling Workflow Development, Implementation, and Results Capstone Report
A Rousseau, C Sheppard, J Auld, F de Souza, A Enam, V Freyermuth, ...
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.(LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Argonne …, 2020
Explore daily activity-travel behavior of the elderly using multiyear survey data
J Zhang, KC Konduri, A Enam
Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, 323-337, 2020
Exploration of short-term vehicle utilization choices in households with multiple vehicle types
J Angueira, A Faghih-Imani, A Enam, KC Konduri, N Eluru
Transportation Research Record 2493 (1), 39-47, 2015
Activity pattern models with well-being indicators
C Carrion, A Enam, V Pattabhiraman, M Abou-Zeid, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Record 2493 (1), 58-69, 2015
Travel Time Modeling with Taxi GPS and Household Survey Data
S Li, A Enam, M Abou-Zeid, M Ben-Akiva
Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2013
Large-scale simulation of shared autonomous vehicles: Integrating the supply and demand perspectives
KM Gurumurthy, F de Souza, A Enam, J Auld
99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, 2020
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