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B. Aditya PrakashAssociate Professor, Georgia Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em cs.cmu.edu
Supriya ChinthavaliOak Ridge National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Sangkeun Matthew (Matt) LeeComputer Scientist, Discrete Algorithms Group, CSED, ORNLE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Bijaya AdhikariDepartment of Computer Science, University of IowaE-mail confirmado em uiowa.edu
Nikhil MuralidharStevens Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em stevens.edu
Alexander RodríguezAssistant Professor, University of MichiganE-mail confirmado em umich.edu
Teja KurugantiOak Ridge National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Pulak AgarwalGeorgia Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em gatech.edu
Jiaming CuiAssistant Professor, Virginia TechE-mail confirmado em vt.edu
Jiajia XiePhD Student, Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em gatech.edu
Liangzhe ChenPinterestE-mail confirmado em vt.edu
Naren RamakrishnanThomas L. Phillips Professor, Virginia TechE-mail confirmado em cs.vt.edu
Heather BuckberrySenior Project Manager, Barge Design SolutionsE-mail confirmado em bargedesign.com
Deen Mohammad AbdullahGraduate Teaching and Research Assistant, University of LethbridgeE-mail confirmado em uleth.ca
Pravallika DevineniDuke Energy IncE-mail confirmado em duke-energy.com
Hao LuOak Ridge National labE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Justin HillSouthern CompanyE-mail confirmado em southernco.com
Sukarna BaruaAssociate Professor , Computer Science & Engineering, BUETE-mail confirmado em cse.buet.ac.bd
Tanzima HashemProfessor, Computer Science & Enginnering, Bangladesh University of EngineeringE-mail confirmado em cse.buet.ac.bd
Tasmin ChowdhuryResearch Engineer, NTT DOCOMOE-mail confirmado em docomoinnovations.com
Anika Tabassum
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Virginia Tech
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