Ningfang Mi
Ningfang Mi
Northeastern University
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Anomaly? application change? or workload change? towards automated detection of application performance anomaly and change
L Cherkasova, K Ozonat, N Mi, J Symons, E Smirni
2008 IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks With …, 2008
Burstiness in multi-tier applications: Symptoms, causes, and new models
N Mi, G Casale, L Cherkasova, E Smirni
ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms …, 2008
Automated anomaly detection and performance modeling of enterprise applications
L Cherkasova, K Ozonat, N Mi, J Symons, E Smirni
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 27 (3), 1-32, 2009
Injecting realistic burstiness to a traditional client-server benchmark
N Mi, G Casale, L Cherkasova, E Smirni
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Autonomic computing, 149-158, 2009
Cyber-physical system enabled nearby traffic flow modelling for autonomous vehicles
B Chen, Z Yang, S Huang, X Du, Z Cui, J Bhimani, X Xie, N Mi
2017 IEEE 36th international performance computing and communications …, 2017
Accelerating K-Means clustering with parallel implementations and GPU computing
J Bhimani, M Leeser, N Mi
2015 IEEE high performance extreme computing conference (HPEC), 1-6, 2015
Accelerating big data applications using lightweight virtualization framework on enterprise cloud
J Bhimani, Z Yang, M Leeser, N Mi
2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 1-7, 2017
Performance impacts of autocorrelated flows in multi-tiered systems
N Mi, Q Zhang, A Riska, E Smirni, E Riedel
Performance Evaluation 64 (9-12), 1082-1101, 2007
Haste: Hadoop yarn scheduling based on task-dependency and resource-demand
Y Yao, J Wang, B Sheng, J Lin, N Mi
2014 IEEE 7th international conference on cloud computing, 184-191, 2014
Ara: Adaptive resource allocation for cloud computing environments under bursty workloads
J Tai, J Zhang, J Li, W Meleis, N Mi
30th IEEE international performance computing and communications conference, 1-8, 2011
A regression-based analytic model for capacity planning of multi-tier applications
Q Zhang, L Cherkasova, N Mi, E Smirni
Cluster Computing 11, 197-211, 2008
AutoTiering: automatic data placement manager in multi-tier all-flash datacenter
Z Yang, M Hoseinzadeh, A Andrews, C Mayers, DT Evans, RT Bolt, ...
2017 IEEE 36th International Performance Computing and Communications …, 2017
Understanding performance of I/O intensive containerized applications for NVMe SSDs
J Bhimani, J Yang, Z Yang, N Mi, Q Xu, M Awasthi, R Pandurangan, ...
2016 IEEE 35th International Performance Computing and Communications …, 2016
Fim: performance prediction for parallel computation in iterative data processing applications
J Bhimani, N Mi, M Leeser, Z Yang
2017 IEEE 10th International conference on cloud computing (CLOUD), 359-366, 2017
Fresh: Fair and efficient slot configuration and scheduling for hadoop clusters
J Wang, Y Yao, Y Mao, B Sheng, N Mi
2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 761-768, 2014
A fresh perspective on total cost of ownership models for flash storage in datacenters
Z Yang, M Awasthi, M Ghosh, N Mi
2016 IEEE International conference on cloud computing technology and science …, 2016
GReM: Dynamic SSD resource allocation in virtualized storage systems with heterogeneous IO workloads
Z Yang, J Tai, J Bhimani, J Wang, N Mi, B Sheng
2016 IEEE 35th International performance computing and communications …, 2016
Dealing with burstiness in multi-tier applications: Models and their parameterization
G Casale, N Mi, L Cherkasova, E Smirni
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 38 (5), 1040-1053, 2012
AutoPath: harnessing parallel execution paths for efficient resource allocation in multi-stage big data frameworks
H Gao, Z Yang, J Bhimani, T Wang, J Wang, B Sheng, N Mi
2017 26th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks …, 2017
Docker container scheduler for I/O intensive applications running on NVMe SSDs
J Bhimani, Z Yang, N Mi, J Yang, Q Xu, M Awasthi, R Pandurangan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems 4 (3), 313-326, 2018
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