Peter Kratzer
Peter Kratzer
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A theoretical study of CH4 dissociation on pure and gold‐alloyed Ni (111) surfaces
P Kratzer, B Hammer, JK Norskov
The Journal of chemical physics 105 (13), 5595-5604, 1996
Preserving the Half-Metallicity at the Heusler Alloy Co2MnSi(001) Surface: A Density Functional Theory Study
SJ Hashemifar, P Kratzer, M Scheffler
Physical review letters 94 (9), 096402, 2005
Atomic structure of the GaAs (001)−(2× 4) surface resolved using scanning tunneling microscopy and first-principles theory
VP LaBella, H Yang, DW Bullock, PM Thibado, P Kratzer, M Scheffler
Physical Review Letters 83 (15), 2989, 1999
Formation and stability of self-assembled coherent islands in highly mismatched heteroepitaxy
LG Wang, P Kratzer, M Scheffler, N Moll
Physical review letters 82 (20), 4042, 1999
Size, shape, and stability of InAs quantum dots on the GaAs (001) substrate
LG Wang, P Kratzer, N Moll, M Scheffler
Physical Review B 62 (3), 1897, 2000
Magnetism in C-or N-doped MgO and ZnO: a density-functional study of impurity pairs
H Wu, A Stroppa, S Sakong, S Picozzi, M Scheffler, P Kratzer
Physical review letters 105 (26), 267203, 2010
The basics of electronic structure theory for periodic systems
P Kratzer, J Neugebauer
Frontiers in chemistry 7, 106, 2019
Effect of the cluster size in modeling the desorption and dissociative adsorption on Si(001)
E Penev, P Kratzer, M Scheffler
The Journal of chemical physics 110 (8), 3986-3994, 1999
Highly site-specific H 2 adsorption on vicinal Si (001) surfaces
P Kratzer, E Pehlke, M Scheffler, MB Raschke, U Höfer
Physical review letters 81 (25), 5596, 1998
Effect of strain on surface diffusion in semiconductor heteroepitaxy
E Penev, P Kratzer, M Scheffler
Physical Review B 64 (8), 085401, 2001
Tight-binding study of the influence of the strain on the electronic properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots
R Santoprete, B Koiller, RB Capaz, P Kratzer, QKK Liu, M Scheffler
Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter 68 (23), 235311-235311, 2003
First-principles studies of kinetics in epitaxial growth of III–V semiconductors
P Kratzer, E Penev, M Scheffler
Applied Physics A 75, 79-88, 2002
Role of electronic correlation in the Si (100) reconstruction: a quantum Monte Carlo study
SB Healy, C Filippi, P Kratzer, E Penev, M Scheffler
Physical Review Letters 87 (1), 016105, 2001
Arsenic dimer dynamics during MBE growth: theoretical evidence for a novel chemisorption state of As 2 molecules on GaAs surfaces
CG Morgan, P Kratzer, M Scheffler
Physical review letters 82 (24), 4886, 1999
Geometric and electronic factors determining the differences in reactivity of H2 on Cu (100) and Cu (111)
P Kratzer, B Hammer, JK Nørskov
Surface science 359 (1-3), 45-53, 1996
Probing interface electronic structure with overlayer quantum-well resonances: Al/Si (111)
L Aballe, C Rogero, P Kratzer, S Gokhale, K Horn
Physical review letters 87 (15), 156801, 2001
Reaction-limited island nucleation in molecular beam epitaxy of compound semiconductors
P Kratzer, M Scheffler
Physical review letters 88 (3), 036102, 2002
Reaction dynamics of molecular hydrogen on silicon surfaces
P Bratu, W Brenig, A Gro, M Hartmann, U Höfer, P Kratzer, R Russ
Physical Review B 54 (8), 5978, 1996
Highly excited molecules from Eley-Rideal reactions
P Kratzer, W Brenig
Surface science 254 (1-3), 275-280, 1991
Shape transition during epitaxial growth of quantum dots on : Theory and experiment
P Kratzer, QKK Liu, P Acosta-Diaz, C Manzano, G Costantini, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (20), 205347, 2006
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