Samuel Z. Guyer
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Citado por
The DaCapo benchmarks: Java benchmarking development and analysis
SM Blackburn, R Garner, C Hoffmann, AM Khang, KS McKinley, ...
Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented …, 2006
In defense of soundiness: A manifesto
B Livshits, M Sridharan, Y Smaragdakis, O Lhoták, JN Amaral, ...
Communications of the ACM 58 (2), 44-46, 2015
An annotation language for optimizing software libraries
SZ Guyer, C Lin
Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Domain-Specific Languages, 39-52, 1999
Wake up and smell the coffee: Evaluation methodology for the 21st century
SM Blackburn, KS McKinley, R Garner, C Hoffmann, AM Khan, R Bentzur, ...
Communications of the ACM 51 (8), 83-89, 2008
Client-driven pointer analysis
SZ Guyer, C Lin
International Static Analysis Symposium, 214-236, 2003
Tracking bad apples: reporting the origin of null and undefined value errors
MD Bond, N Nethercote, SW Kent, SZ Guyer, KS McKinley
Proceedings of the 22nd annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented …, 2007
Free-me: a static analysis for automatic individual object reclamation
SZ Guyer, KS McKinley, D Frampton
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2006
Broadway: A compiler for exploiting the domain-specific semantics of software libraries
SZ Guyer, C Lin
Proceedings of the IEEE 93 (2), 342-357, 2005
Heapviz: interactive heap visualization for program understanding and debugging
EE Aftandilian, S Kelley, C Gramazio, N Ricci, SL Su, SZ Guyer
Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on Software visualization, 53-62, 2010
Error checking with client-driven pointer analysis
SZ Guyer, C Lin
Science of Computer Programming 58 (1-2), 83-114, 2005
Elephant tracks: Portable production of complete and precise gc traces
NP Ricci, SZ Guyer, JEB Moss
ACM Sigplan Notices 48 (11), 109-118, 2013
Efficient flow-sensitive interprocedural data-flow analysis in the presence of pointers
TB Tok, SZ Guyer, C Lin
Compiler Construction: 15th International Conference, CC 2006, Held as Part …, 2006
Metaphors we teach by
JP Sanford, A Tietz, S Farooq, S Guyer, RB Shapiro
Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science …, 2014
Finding your cronies: static analysis for dynamic object colocation
SZ Guyer, KS McKinley
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 39 (10), 237-250, 2004
Juniper: a functional reactive programming language for the Arduino
C Helbling, SZ Guyer
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Functional Art, Music …, 2016
Breadcrumbs: efficient context sensitivity for dynamic bug detection analyses
MD Bond, GZ Baker, SZ Guyer
Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2010
GC assertions: Using the garbage collector to check heap properties
EE Aftandilian, SZ Guyer
Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2009
Optimizing the use of high performance software libraries
SZ Guyer, C Lin
International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing …, 2000
Broadway: A software architecture for scientific computing
SZ Guyer, C Lin
The Architecture of Scientific Software: IFIP TC2/WG2. 5 Working Conference …, 2001
Elephant Tracks: generating program traces with object death records
NP Ricci, SZ Guyer, JEB Moss
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Principles and Practice …, 2011
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