The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC Cms Collaboration
Journal of instrumentation 3 (August 2008), 1-334, 2008
10070 2008 Event generator tunes obtained from underlying event and multiparton scattering measurements CMS collaboration
European Physical Journal C 76 (3), 155, 2016
3144 2016 Description and performance of track and primary-vertex reconstruction with the CMS tracker CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 9 (10), P10009, 2014
2354 2014 Determination of jet energy calibration and transverse momentum resolution in CMS CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 6 (11), P11002, 2011
2305 * 2011 Identification of heavy-flavour jets with the CMS detector in pp collisions at 13 TeV CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 13 (5), P05011, 2018
1954 2018 Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in Collisions at and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments CMS Collaborations
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.07589, 2015
1953 * 2015 Identification of b-quark jets with the CMS experiment CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (04), P04013, 2013
1888 2013 Observation of long-range, near-side angular correlations in pPb collisions at the LHC S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physics Letters B 718 (3), 795-814, 2013
1638 * 2013 Extraction and validation of a new set of CMS pythia 8 tunes from underlying-event measurements AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
The European Physical Journal C 80, 1-47, 2020
1454 2020 Observation of Production AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
Physical review letters 120 (23), 231801, 2018
1335 * 2018 Combined results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson in pp collisions at s= 7 TeV S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physics Letters B 710 (1), 26-48, 2012
1296 2012 Transverse-momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in pp collisions at and 2.36 TeV V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (2), 1-35, 2010
1256 * 2010 Study of the Mass and Spin-Parity of the Higgs Boson Candidate via Its Decays to Boson Pairs S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (8), 081803, 2013
977 2013 Observation of the diphoton decay of the Higgs boson and measurement of its properties CMS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.0558, 2014
944 * 2014 High-resolution ghost image and ghost diffraction experiments with thermal light F Ferri, D Magatti, A Gatti, M Bache, E Brambilla, LA Lugiato
Physical review letters 94 (18), 183602, 2005
940 2005 Differential ghost imaging F Ferri, D Magatti, LA Lugiato, A Gatti
Physical review letters 104 (25), 253603, 2010
902 2010 Precision luminosity measurement in proton–proton collisions at in 2015 and 2016 at CMS AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, JW Andrejkovic, T Bergauer, ...
The European Physical Journal C 81, 1-42, 2021
888 2021 Performance of missing transverse momentum reconstruction in proton-proton collisions at√ s= 13 TeV using the CMS detector AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, F Ambrogi, E Asilar, T Bergauer, ...
IOP Publishing, 2019
870 2019 Search for physics beyond the standard model in dilepton mass spectra in proton-proton collisions at TeV V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (4), 1-49, 2015
850 * 2015 CMS tracking performance results from early LHC operation CMS collaboration, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
The European Physical Journal C 70, 1165-1192, 2010
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