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- Klaudia KuiperVrije Universiteit Amsterdam E-mail confirmado em vu.nl
- John M. O'ConnorE-mail confirmado em vu.nl
- Hua-Ning QIUChina University of Geosciences (Guangzhou Inst Geochem CAS, 1989 - 2018)E-mail confirmado em cug.edu.cn
- Anthony A.P. KoppersProfessor of Marine Geology, CEOAS, Oregon State UniversityE-mail confirmado em oregonstate.edu
- Hubert StaudigelSenior Scientist Emeritus, UCSDE-mail confirmado em ucsd.edu
- Tom (A) VeldkampProfessor Spatial Environmental Quality, ITC, University of TwenteE-mail confirmado em utwente.nl
- Barbara CarrapaProfessor of Geology, University of ArizonaE-mail confirmado em email.arizona.edu
- Andrew CarterProfessor of Earth Sciences, Birkbeck, University of LondonE-mail confirmado em ucl.ac.uk
- Jeroen M. SchoorlAssociated Professor Soil Geography & Landscape, Wageningen UniversityE-mail confirmado em wur.nl
- Giovanni BertottiProfessor of Geology, Delft University of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em tudelft.nl
- Madelaine BöhmeProfessorin für Paläontologie, Universität TübingenE-mail confirmado em ifg.uni-tuebingen.de
- Alexander RochollWissenschaftlicher Angestellter GFZ PotsdamE-mail confirmado em gfz-potsdam.de
- Raif KandemirRecep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Karadeniz Technical UniversityE-mail confirmado em erdogan.edu.tr
- Ibrahim UysalKaradeniz Technical UniversityE-mail confirmado em ktu.edu.tr
- Tony ReimannProfessor, University of Cologne, Institute of GeographyE-mail confirmado em uni-koeln.de
- Douwe van HinsbergenProfessor of Global Tectonics and Paleogeography, Utrecht University, the NetherlandsE-mail confirmado em uu.nl
- Faruk AydinKaradeniz Technical UniversityE-mail confirmado em ktu.edu.tr
- Michael BickleProfessor Earth Sciences University of CambridgeE-mail confirmado em esc.cam.ac.uk
- Leah MorganUnited States Geological SurveyE-mail confirmado em usgs.gov
- Abdurrahman DokuzJeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Gümüşhane ÜniversitesiE-mail confirmado em gumushane.edu.tr
Jan R. Wijbrans
professor of geology - geochronologist, VU University Amsterdam, Leiden University
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