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David D. MooreProfessor of Nutritional Sciences and ToxicologyE-mail confirmado em berkeley.edu
Robert E. KingstonMass General Hospital/Harvard Medical SchoolE-mail confirmado em molbio.mgh.harvard.edu
Kevin StruhlProfessor, Harvard Medical SchoolE-mail confirmado em hms.harvard.edu
Alejandro Colman-LernerProfessor, Department of Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Buenos AiresE-mail confirmado em fbmc.fcen.uba.ar
Erica GolemisProfessor, Assoc. Director for System Integration, Fox Chase Cancer Center, and Chair, LKSOME-mail confirmado em fccc.edu
Russell L. Finley Jr.Professor of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State UniversityE-mail confirmado em wayne.edu
Drew EndyFaculty, Bioengineering, StanfordE-mail confirmado em stanford.edu
Gustavo PesceAbalone BioE-mail confirmado em abalonebio.com
John M. McCoyChief Scientific Officer, Glycosyn LLCE-mail confirmado em glycosynllc.com
Eduard SerraResearcher, Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP)E-mail confirmado em igtp.cat
Steven S AndrewsUniversity of WashingtonE-mail confirmado em uw.edu
Ian BurbulisAssistant Professor, Universidad San SebastianE-mail confirmado em uss.cl
Alexandre ReymondDirector, Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, SwitzerlandE-mail confirmado em unil.ch
Mark HollScientist & Senior Engineer, Biodesign Institute, Arizona State UniversityE-mail confirmado em asu.edu
C. Ronald GeyerUniversity of SaskatchewanE-mail confirmado em usask.ca
Pamela SilverProfessor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical SchoolE-mail confirmado em hms.harvard.edu
Ze'ev ParoushThe Hebrew University of JerusalemE-mail confirmado em mail.huji.ac.il
Bert VogelsteinJohns HopkinsE-mail confirmado em jhmi.edu
Kenneth KinzlerJohns Hopkins UniversityE-mail confirmado em jhmi.edu
David E HillDana-Farber Cancer InstituteE-mail confirmado em dfci.harvard.edu