Alma Chavez-Mejia
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Accumulation and leaching potential of some pharmaceuticals and potential endocrine disruptors in soils irrigated with wastewater in the Tula Valley, Mexico
R Gibson, JC Durán-Álvarez, KL Estrada, A Chávez, BJ Cisneros
Chemosphere 81 (11), 1437-1445, 2010
Quality assessment of an aquifer recharged with wastewater for its potential use as drinking source:“El Mezquital Valley” case
B Jiménez, A Chávez
Water Science and Technology 50 (2), 269-276, 2004
The removal of microorganisms and organic micropollutants from wastewater during infiltration to aquifers after irrigation of farmland in the Tula Valley, Mexico
A Chávez, C Maya, R Gibson, B Jiménez
Environmental Pollution 159 (5), 1354-1362, 2011
Water reclamation technologies for safe managed aquifer recharge
C Kazner, T Wintgens, P Dillon
IWA publishing, 2012
Particle size distribution as a useful tool for microbial detection
A Chavez, B Jimenez, C Maya
Water Science and Technology 50 (2), 179-186, 2004
Sand and synthetic medium filtration of advanced primary treatment effluent from Mexico City
B Jimenez, A Chavez, A Leyva, G Tchobanoglous
Water Research 34 (2), 473-480, 2000
Treatment of Mexico City wastewater for irrigation purposes
B Jiménez-Cisneros, A Chávez-Mejía
Environmental technology 18 (7), 721-729, 1997
Wastewater containing emerging contaminants treated by residues from the brewing industry based on biochar as a new CuFe2O4/biochar photocatalyst
J Leichtweis, S Silvestri, N Welter, Y Vieira, PI Zaragoza-Sánchez, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 150, 497-509, 2021
Performic acid for advanced wastewater disinfection
T Karpova, P Pekonen, R Gramstad, U Öjstedt, S Laborda, ...
Water science and technology 68 (9), 2090-2096, 2013
An evaluation of the effects of changing wastewater irrigation regime for the production of alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
A Chávez, K Rodas, B Prado, R Thompson, B Jiménez
Agricultural Water Management 113, 76-84, 2012
Alternative treatment for wastewater destined for agricultural use
B Jiménez, A Chávez, C Hernández
Water science and technology 40 (4-5), 355-362, 1999
Low cost technology for reliable use of Mexico City’s wastewater for agricultural irrigation
B Jiménez, A Chávez
Technology 9 (1-2), 95-107, 2002
Removal of microorganisms in different stages of wastewater treatment for Mexico City
B Jimenez, A Chávez, C Maya, L Jardines
Water science and technology 43 (10), 155-162, 2001
Wet air oxidation of resorcinol as a model treatment for refractory organics in wastewaters from the wood processing industry
B Weber, A Chavez, J Morales-Mejia, S Eichenauer, EA Stadlbauer, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 161, 137-143, 2015
Apropiación de agua, medio ambiente y obesidad
GC Delgado Ramos
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2014
The Use of TiO2 as a Disinfectant in Water Sanitation Applications
R Magaña-López, PI Zaragoza-Sánchez, BE Jiménez-Cisneros, ...
Water 13 (12), 1641, 2021
Particle size distribution (PSD) obtained in effluents from an advanced primary treatment process using different coagulants
AC Mejía, BJ Cisneros
Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment VI: Proceedings of the 9th …, 2000
Particle size distribution to design and operate an APT process for agricultural wastewater reuse
A Chavez, C Maya, B Jimenez
Water Science and Technology 53 (7), 43-49, 2006
Impact and potential of reused water in the Mezquital Valley
B Jimenez, A Chavez, JE Barrios, R Perez
Water 21, 34-37, 2000
¿ El agua del valle del Mezquital, fuente de abastecimiento para el Valle de México
R Pérez, R Jiménez, BE Jiménez, A Chávez
Documento de trabajo.[Intenet] Disponible en: http://www. bvsde. paho. org …, 2009
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