Overview and future challenges of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe S Attia, P Eleftheriou, F Xeni, R Morlot, C Ménézo, V Kostopoulos, M Betsi, ... Energy and Buildings 155, 439-458, 2017 | 361 | 2017 |
The historical evolution of the energy efficient buildings C Ionescu, T Baracu, GE Vlad, H Necula, A Badea Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 49, 243-253, 2015 | 272 | 2015 |
A life-cycle cost analysis of the passive house “POLITEHNICA” from Bucharest A Badea, T Baracu, C Dinca, D Tutica, R Grigore, M Anastasiu Energy and Buildings 80, 542-555, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
Consideration of a new extended power law of air infiltration through the building’s envelope providing estimations of the leakage area T Baracu, V Badescu, C Teodosiu, M Degeratu, M Patrascu, C Streche Energy and Buildings 149, 400-423, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
New analytical methodologies for radiative heat transfer in enclosures based on matrix formalism and network analogy T Baracu, S Costinas, C Ghiaus, A Badea, R Avram, F Vladulescu, ... Applied Thermal Engineering 107, 1269-1286, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
A transient thermal analysis by thermal networks of the Passive House ‘POLITEHNICA’ from Bucharest T Baracu, V Tanasiev, T Mamut, C Streche, A Badea International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban …, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Numerical analysis of the flow around a cylinder for the perspective of correlations of the drag coefficient of the ship's hulls T Baracu, R Boşneagu Scientific Bulletin" Mircea cel Batran" Naval Academy 22 (2), 256A-267, 2019 | 9 | 2019 |
Modeling air leakage in buildings caused by the cyclic variation of the atmospheric pressure M Patrascu, T Baracu, V Badescu, MV Birsan, C Teodosiu, M Degeratu, ... Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 39 (4), 430-462, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Theoretical investigations of the solar radiation at the site of passive house “Politehnica” from Bucharest T Baracu, AM Croitoru, A Badea UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series C: Electrical Engineering 76 (4), 255-266, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
A comparative analisys of the controllers On-Off and PI for the heating system of a building T Baracu, M Muresan, A Badea Francophone Multidisciplinary Colloquium on Materials, Environment and …, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Deterministic matrix-based radiative design using a new general formulation of exergy and exergy efficiency for hybrid solar collectors T Baracu, M Patrascu, C Teodosiu, MV Birsan, A Gheorghian, C Streche, ... Applied Thermal Engineering 182, 115318, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Computational analysis of the flow around a cylinder and of the drag force T Baracu, S Grigoras-Benescu The 2nd Conference of the Young Researchers from TUCEB, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Overview of challenges of residential nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) in Southern Europe S Attia, PC Eleftheriou, F Xeni, M Rodolphe, C Ménézo, V Kostopoulos, ... Sustainable Buildings Design Lab.; University of Liege, Belgium; http://hdl …, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
On the design and optimization of constructal networks of heat exchangers by considering entropy generation minimization and thermoeconomics V Badescu, T Baracu, R Avram, R Grigore, M Patrascu Constructal Law and Second Law Conference, 539-547, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Contributions to the modeling of conductive heat transfer between the foundation of a building and ground T Baracu, A Badea Conference On Industrial Power Engineering, University "Vasile Alecsandri …, 2011 | 5* | 2011 |
Theoretical Investigations of the solar radiation at location of the passive house “Politehnica” from Bucharest, UPB Sci T Baracu, AM Croitoru, A Badea Bull., Series C 76 (4), 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
Contributions to the numerical modeling of the buildings T Baracu University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, 2013 | 4* | 2013 |
Overview and future challenges of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe, 2017 S Attia, P Eleftheriou, F Xeni, R Morlot, C Ménézo, V Kostopoulos, M Betsi, ... Energy and Buildings 155, 439, 0 | 3 | |
1. Ecuatiile Navier-Stokes T BARACU, UP din Bucuresti Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, 0 | 2 | |
ASSESSMENT FOR A BUOY MODEL 14 THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA WATERS R Bosneagu, IC Scurtu, A Popa, I Matulea, P Popov, ME Mihailov, ... Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 23 (5), 1884-1893, 2022 | | 2022 |