Roland Verwiebe
Roland Verwiebe
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe
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European societies: Mapping structure and change
S Mau, R Verwiebe
Policy Press, 2010
Die Sozialstruktur Europas
S Mau, R Verwiebe
utb GmbH, 2009
Social inequality and the perceived income justice gap
R Verwiebe, B Wegener
Social Justice Research 13, 123-149, 2000
New forms of intra-European migration, labour market dynamics and social inequality in Europe
R Verwiebe, L Wiesböck, R Teitzer
Migration Letters 11 (2), 125, 2014
Transnationale Mobilität innerhalb Europas.: Eine Studie zu den sozialstrukturellen Effekten der Europäisierung.
R Verwiebe
edition sigma, Berlin, 2004
Finding your way into employment against all odds? Successful job search of refugees in Austria
R Verwiebe, B Kittel, F Dellinger, C Liebhart, D Schiestl, R Haindorfer, ...
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (9), 1401-1418, 2019
International social survey programme: Work orientation III-ISSP 2005
ISSP Research Group
GESIS Data Archive, 2013
Skilled German migrants and their motives for migration within Europe
R Verwiebe, S Mau, N Seidel, T Kathmann
Journal of International Migration and Integration/Revue de l'integration et …, 2010
Why do Europeans migrate to Berlin? Social‐Structural differences for Italian, British, French and Polish nationals in the period between 1980 and 2002
R Verwiebe
International Migration 52 (4), 209-230, 2014
Die Zunahme der Lohnungleichheit in der Bundesrepublik/The Increase in Wage Inequality in Germany: Aktuelle Befunde für den Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2005/New Findings for the …
J Giesecke, R Verwiebe
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 37 (5), 403-422, 2008
The positioning of transnationally mobile Europeans in the German labour market: An analysis of its causes and effects
R Verwiebe, K Eder
European Societies 8 (1), 141-167, 2006
How to succeed in a transnational labor market: Job search and wages among Hungarian, Slovak, and Czech commuters in Austria
R Verwiebe, C Reinprecht, R Haindorfer, L Wiesboeck
International Migration Review 51 (1), 251-286, 2017
‘I have to be very good in what I do’. Marginalisation and discrimination in the career-entry phase–experiences and coping strategies among university graduates with a migrant …
R Verwiebe, L Seewann, M Wolf, M Hacioglu
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (15), 2468-2490, 2016
Wachsende Lohnungleichheit in Deutschland
J Giesecke, R Verwiebe
Berliner Journal für Soziologie 19 (4), 531, 2009
Changes in the educational achievement of immigrant youth in Western societies: The contextual effects of national (educational) policies
B Riederer, R Verwiebe
European Sociological Review 31 (5), 628-642, 2015
Migration to Germany: Is a middle class emerging among intra-European migrants?
R Verwiebe
Migration Letters 5 (1), 1-19, 2008
Einstellungen zur sozialen Ungleichheit in Ostdeutschland: Plädoyer für eine doppelte Vergleichsperspektive
S Liebig, R Verwiebe
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 29 (1), 3-26, 2000
The economic crisis as a driver of cross-border labour mobility? A multi-method perspective on the case of the Central European Region
L Wiesböck, R Verwiebe, C Reinprecht, R Haindorfer
The Global Economic Crisis and Migration, 133-149, 2018
Sozialstruktur und Wertewandel in Österreich: Trends 1986-2016
J Bacher, A Grausgruber, M Haller, F Höllinger, D Prandner, R Verwiebe
Springer-Verlag, 2018
Arbeitsmarktflexibilisierung und wachsende Niedriglohnbeschäftigung in Österreich
NS Fritsch, R Teitzer, R Verwiebe
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 39 (2), 91-110, 2014
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