Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Matti LeppänenSaiba mais
3 artigos não disponíveis publicamente
Predicting the bioaccumulation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in benthic animals in sediments
AI Tuikka, MT Leppänen, J Akkanen, AJ Sormunen, PEG Leonards, ...
Science of the Total Environment 563, 396-404, 2016
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Assessing the influence of confounding biological factors when estimating bioaccumulation of PCBs with passive samplers in aquatic ecosystems
K Figueiredo, K Mäenpää, M Lyytikäinen, J Taskinen, MT Leppänen
Science of the Total Environment 601, 340-345, 2017
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Biological responses of midge (Chironomus riparius) and lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) larvae in ecotoxicity assessment of PCDD/F-, PCB- and Hg-contaminated …
J Salmelin, AK Karjalainen, H Hämäläinen, MT Leppänen, H Kiviranta, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 18379-18393, 2016
Autorizações: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
14 artigos disponíveis publicamente
Fate of polychlorinated biphenyls in a contaminated lake ecosystem: Combining equilibrium passive sampling of sediment and water with total concentration measurements of biota
K Mäenpää, MT Leppänen, K Figueiredo, P Mayer, D Gilbert, A Jahnke, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34 (11), 2463-2474, 2015
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Effects of activated carbon ageing in three PCB contaminated sediments: Sorption efficiency and secondary effects on Lumbriculus variegatus
I Nybom, G Waissi-Leinonen, K Mäenpää, MT Leppänen, JVK Kukkonen, ...
Water research 85, 413-421, 2015
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Fullerenes (nC60) affect the growth and development of the sediment-dwelling invertebrate Chironomus riparius larvae
GC Waissi-Leinonen, I Nybom, K Pakarinen, J Akkanen, MT Leppänen, ...
Environmental Pollution 206, 17-23, 2015
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Effects of Activated Carbon on PCB Bioaccumulation and Biological Responses of Chironomus riparius in Full Life Cycle Test
I Nybom, S Abel, G Waissi, K Vaananen, K Maenpaa, MT Leppanen, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (10), 5252-5260, 2016
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Weight-of-evidence approach in assessment of ecotoxicological risks of acid sulphate soils in the Baltic Sea river estuaries
J Wallin, AK Karjalainen, E Schultz, J Järvistö, M Leppänen, KM Vuori
Science of the Total Environment 508, 452-461, 2015
Autorizações: European Commission
Chironomus riparius exposure to fullerene-contaminated sediment results in oxidative stress and may impact life cycle parameters
GC Waissi, S Bold, K Pakarinen, J Akkanen, MT Leppänen, EJ Petersen, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 322, 301-309, 2017
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Sorptive capacity of membrane lipids, storage lipids, and proteins: a preliminary study of partitioning of organochlorines in lean fish from a PCB-contaminated freshwater lake
K Mäenpää, MT Leppänen, K Figueiredo, F Tigistu-Sahle, R Käkelä
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 68, 193-203, 2015
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Rapid quantification of microalgae growth with hyperspectral camera and vegetation indices
P Salmi, MA Eskelinen, MT Leppänen, I Pölönen
Plants 10 (2), 341, 2021
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Status of contaminated marine sediments in four Nordic countries: assessments, regulations, and remediation approaches
AP Lehoux, K Petersen, MT Leppänen, I Snowball, M Olsen
Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 2619-2629, 2020
Autorizações: Nordforsk
Assessing ecotoxicity of biomining effluents in stream ecosystems by in situ invertebrate bioassays: a case study in Talvivaara, Finland
J Salmelin, MT Leppänen, AK Karjalainen, KM Vuori, A Gerhardt, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 36 (1), 147-155, 2017
Autorizações: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Micropollutants in urban wastewater: large-scale emission estimates and analysis of measured concentrations in the Baltic Sea catchment
E Undeman, K Rasmusson, I Kokorite, MT Leppänen, MM Larsen, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113559, 2022
Autorizações: Nordforsk
Female-biased sex ratios and delayed puberty in two fish species with different Ecologies in an Anthropogenically affected urban lake
R Ashrafi, A Westermark, MT Leppänen, ER Vehniäinen
Environmental Research 262, 119844, 2024
Autorizações: Kone Foundation
Call for better management of micropollutants in wastewater
E Undeman, K Rasmusson, I Kokorite, M Leppänen, M Mørk Larsen, ...
Stockholm University, 2021
Autorizações: Nordforsk
Autorizações: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
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