Gabriel Tellez
Gabriel Tellez
Profesor Titular, Departamento de Física, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
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Colloidal stability in asymmetric electrolytes: Modifications of the Schulze–Hardy rule
G Trefalt, I Szilagyi, G Tellez, M Borkovec
Langmuir 33 (7), 1695-1704, 2017
Onsager-Manning-Oosawa condensation phenomenon and the effect of salt
E Trizac, G Téllez
Physical review letters 96 (3), 038302, 2006
Exact finite-size study of the 2D OCP at Γ= 4 and Γ= 6
G Téllez, PJ Forrester
Journal of Statistical Physics 97, 489-521, 1999
Coulomb systems seen as critical systems: Ideal conductor boundaries
B Jancovici, G Téllez
Journal of statistical physics 82, 609-632, 1996
Two-dimensional Coulomb systems on a surface of constant negative curvature
B Jancovici, G Téllez
Journal of statistical physics 91, 953-977, 1998
Nonlinear screening of spherical and cylindrical colloids: The case of 1: 2 and 2: 1 electrolytes
G Téllez, E Trizac
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (1 …, 2004
Singular behavior at the edge of Laughlin states
T Can, PJ Forrester, G Téllez, P Wiegmann
Physical Review B 89 (23), 235137, 2014
The polydisperse cell model: Nonlinear screening and charge renormalization in colloidal mixtures
A Torres, G Téllez, R van Roij
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (15), 2008
Two-dimensional one-component plasma on Flamm’s paraboloid
R Fantoni, G Téllez
Journal of Statistical Physics 133, 449-489, 2008
Pressures for a one-component plasma on a pseudosphere
R Fantoni, B Jancovici, G Téllez
Journal of statistical physics 112, 27-57, 2003
Density functional theory study of electric potential saturation: Planar geometry
G Téllez, E Trizac
Physical Review E 68 (6), 061401, 2003
Screening of charged spheroidal colloidal particles
C Álvarez, G Téllez
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (14), 2010
Screening like charges in one-dimensional Coulomb systems: Exact results
G Téllez, E Trizac
Physical Review E 92 (4), 042134, 2015
The contact theorem for charged fluids: from planar to curved geometries
JP Mallarino, G Téllez, E Trizac
Molecular Physics 113 (17-18), 2409-2427, 2015
Counterion density profile around charged cylinders: the strong-coupling needle limit
JP Mallarino, G Téllez, E Trizac
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (42), 12702-12716, 2013
Expanded Vandermonde powers and sum rules for the two-dimensional one-component plasma
G Téllez, PJ Forrester
Journal of Statistical Physics 148, 824-855, 2012
Exact and asymptotic features of the edge density profile for the one component plasma in two dimensions
T Can, PJ Forrester, G Téllez, P Wiegmann
Journal of Statistical Physics 158 (5), 1147-1180, 2015
Slow sedimentation and deformability of charged lipid vesicles
I Rey Suárez, C Leidy, G Téllez, G Gay, A Gonzalez-Mancera
PLoS One 8 (7), e68309, 2013
Nonlinear screening of charged macromolecules
G Téllez
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2011
On the bulk modulus of the cell model of charged macromolecules suspensions
G Téllez, E Trizac
The Journal of chemical physics 118 (7), 3362-3367, 2003
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