Reproductive ecology of Caribbean reef corals AM Szmant Coral reefs 5, 43-53, 1986 | 773 | 1986 |
Nutrient enrichment on coral reefs: is it a major cause of coral reef decline? AM Szmant Estuaries 25, 743-766, 2002 | 761 | 2002 |
The effects of prolonged “bleaching” on the tissue biomass and reproduction of the reef coral Montastrea annularis AM Szmant, NJ Gassman Coral reefs 8, 217-224, 1990 | 677 | 1990 |
Differential gene expression during thermal stress and bleaching in the Caribbean coral Montastraea faveolata MK DeSalvo, CR Voolstra, S Sunagawa, JA Schwarz, JH Stillman, ... Molecular ecology 17 (17), 3952-3971, 2008 | 515 | 2008 |
Algal blooms on coral reefs: what are the causes? T Hughes, AM Szmant, R Steneck, R Carpenter, S Miller Limnology and Oceanography 44, 1583-1586, 1999 | 308 | 1999 |
Sexual reproduction by the Caribbean reef corals Mon tastrea ann ularis and M. ca vernosa AM Szmant Mar Ecol Prog Ser 7 (4), 13-25, 1991 | 257 | 1991 |
The origin of variations in the isotopic record of scleractinian corals: I. Oxygen JJ Leder, PK Swart, AM Szmant, RE Dodge Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60 (15), 2857-2870, 1996 | 250 | 1996 |
Water column and sediment nitrogen and phosphorus distribution patterns in the Florida Keys, USA AM Szmant, A Forrester Coral Reefs 15, 21-41, 1996 | 246 | 1996 |
Effects of nutrients versus herbivores on reef algae: a new method for manipulating nutrients on coral reefs MW Miller, ME Hay, SL Miller, D Malone, EE Sotka, AM Szmant Limnology and Oceanography 44 (8), 1847-1861, 1999 | 218 | 1999 |
The origin of variations in the isotopic record of scleractinian corals: II. Carbon PK Swart, JJ Leder, AM Szmant, RE Dodge Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 60 (15), 2871-2885, 1996 | 211 | 1996 |
Hybridization within the species complex of the scleractinan coral Montastraea annularis AM Szmant, E Weil, MW Miller, DE Colon Marine Biology 129, 561-572, 1997 | 198 | 1997 |
Coral recruitment and juvenile mortality as structuring factors for reef benthic communities in Biscayne National Park, USA MW Miller, E Weil, AM Szmant Coral reefs 19, 115-123, 2000 | 197 | 2000 |
Effects of temperature on gene expression in embryos of the coral Montastraea faveolata CR Voolstra, J Schnetzer, L Peshkin, CJ Randall, AM Szmant, M Medina BMC genomics 10, 1-9, 2009 | 189 | 2009 |
Effects of variations in carbonate chemistry on the calcification rates of Madracis auretenra (= Madracis mirabilis sensu Wells, 1973): bicarbonate concentrations … CP Jury, RF Whitehead, AM Szmant Global Change Biology 16 (5), 1632-1644, 2010 | 186 | 2010 |
The host transcriptome remains unaltered during the establishment of coral–algal symbioses CR Voolstra, JA Schwarz, J Schnetzer, S Sunagawa, MK Desalvo, ... Molecular ecology 18 (9), 1823-1833, 2009 | 182 | 2009 |
Elevated Temperature Affects Development, Survivorship, and Settlement of the Elkhorn Coral, Acropora palmata (Lamarck 1816) CJ Randall, AM Szmant The Biological Bulletin 217 (3), 269-282, 2009 | 180 | 2009 |
Coral life history and symbiosis: Functional genomic resources for two reef building Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata JA Schwarz, PB Brokstein, C Voolstra, AY Terry, DJ Miller, AM Szmant, ... BMC genomics 9, 1-16, 2008 | 180 | 2008 |
Effect of current on the sessile benthic community structure of an artificial reef TW Baynes, AM Szmant Bulletin of Marine Science 44 (2), 545-566, 1989 | 161 | 1989 |
Elevated temperature reduces survivorship and settlement of the larvae of the Caribbean scleractinian coral, Favia fragum (Esper) CJ Randall, AM Szmant Coral reefs 28, 537-545, 2009 | 160 | 2009 |
The effect of prolonged “bleaching” on skeletal banding and stable isotopic composition in Montastrea annularis Preliminary observations JJ Leder, AM Szmant, PK Swart Coral Reefs 10, 19-27, 1991 | 160 | 1991 |