Xóchitl Bada
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Marcha: Latino Chicago and the immigrant rights movement
FR Aparicio, JA Arellano, X Bada, D Bleeden, R Cintrón, SP Davis, L Fink, ...
University of Illinois Press, 2023
Migrant organization and hometown impacts in rural Mexico
J Fox, X Bada
Journal of Agrarian Change 8 (2‐3), 435-461, 2008
Invisible no more: Mexican migrant civic participation in the United States
X Bada, J Fox, AD Selee
Mexico Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2006
Mexican hometown associations in Chicagoacán: From local to transnational civic engagement
X Bada
Rutgers University Press, 2014
Migrant civic engagement
JA Fox, X Bada
eScholarship, University of California, 2009
Collective remittances and development in rural Mexico: A View from Chicago's Mexican hometown associations
X Bada
Population, Space and Place 22 (4), 343-355, 2016
Mexican hometown associations
X Bada
Citizen action in the Americas 5 (March), 1-10, 2003
Context matters: Latino immigrant civic engagement in nine US cities
X Bada, J Fox, RA Donnelly, AD Selee
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2010
Mexican migrant civic and political participation in the US: The case of hometown associations in Los Angeles and Chicago
LE Rabadán, X Bada, GR Salgado
Norteamérica 1 (2), 127-172, 2006
Mexican migrant civic and political participation in the US: The case of hometown associations in Los Angeles and Chicago
G Rivera-Salgado, X Bada, L Escala-Rabadán
seminar paper, Mexican Migrant Social and Civic Participation in the US …, 2005
A new approach to migrant labor rights enforcement: The crisis of undocumented worker abuse and Mexican consular advocacy in the United States
X Bada, S Gleeson
Labor Studies Journal 40 (1), 32-53, 2015
Clubes de migrantes oriundos mexicanos en los Estados Unidos la política transnacional de la nueva sociedad civil migrante
M Valenzuela
Distrito Federal, México Universidad de Guadalajara. Centro Universitario de …, 2004
Al fin visibles. La presencia cívica de los migrantes mexicanos en los Estados Unidos
X Bada, J Fox, A Selee
Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson Interna-tional Center for Scholars, 2006
Clubes de michoacanos oriundos: Desarrollo y membresía social comunitarios
X Bada
Migración y Desarrollo, 82-103, 2004
La participación cívica comunitaria transnacional de los clubes de michoacanos
X Bada
Diáspora michoacana, 247-285, 2003
Persistent rurality in Mexico and ‘the right to stay home’
X Bada, J Fox
The Journal of Peasant Studies 49 (1), 29-53, 2022
Continuity and change in Mexican migrant hometown associations: evidence from new survey research
L Duquette-Rury, X Bada
Migraciones Internacionales 7 (1), 65-99, 2013
Reconstrucción de identidades regionales a través de proyectos de remesas colectivas: la participación ciudadana extraterritorial de comunidades migrantes michoacanas en el …
X Bada
Lanly and Valenzuela, 175-223, 2004
Andrew Selee, eds. 2006
X Bada, J Fox
Invisible No More: Mexican Migrant Civic Participation in the United States …, 2010
Local context and labour-community immigrant rights coalitions: a comparison of San Francisco, Chicago, and Houston
E de Graauw, S Gleeson, X Bada
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (4), 728-746, 2020
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