Shubhanshu Mishra
Shubhanshu Mishra
Machine Learning Researcher
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Bloom: A 176b-parameter open-access multilingual language model
T Le Scao, A Fan, C Akiki, E Pavlick, S Ilić, D Hesslow, R Castagné, ...
Self-citation is the hallmark of productive authors, of any gender
S Mishra, BD Fegley, J Diesner, VI Torvik
PloS one 13 (9), e0195773, 2018
Image cropping on twitter: Fairness metrics, their limitations, and the importance of representation, design, and agency
K Yee, U Tantipongpipat, S Mishra
Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction 5 (CSCW2), 1-24, 2021
Bigbio: A framework for data-centric biomedical natural language processing
J Fries, L Weber, N Seelam, G Altay, D Datta, S Garda, S Kang, R Su, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 25792-25806, 2022
3Idiots at HASOC 2019: Fine-tuning Transformer Neural Networks for Hate Speech Identification in Indo-European Languages
S Mishra, S Mishra
Working Notes of FIRE 2019 - Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation 2517 …, 2019
Semi-supervised named entity recognition in noisy-text
S Mishra, J Diesner
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT), 203-212, 2016
Assessing demographic bias in named entity recognition
S Mishra, S He, L Belli
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.03415, 2020
Multilingual Joint Fine-tuning of Transformer models for identifying Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying at TRAC 2020
S Mishra, S Prasad, S Mishra
Proceedings of the second workshop on trolling, aggression and cyberbullying …, 2020
Exploring multi-task multi-lingual learning of transformer models for hate speech and offensive speech identification in social media
S Mishra, S Prasad, S Mishra
SN Computer Science 2, 1-19, 2021
Quantifying Conceptual Novelty in the Biomedical Literature
S Mishra, VI Torvik
D-Lib Magazine 22 (9/10), 2016
Multi-dataset-multi-task neural sequence tagging for information extraction from tweets
S Mishra
Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 283-284, 2019
Sentiment analysis with incremental human-in-the-loop learning and lexical resource customization
S Mishra, J Diesner, J Byrne, E Surbeck
proceedings of the 26th ACM conference on Hypertext & Social Media, 323-325, 2015
Americans ‘support’the idea of tuition-free college: An exploration of sentiment and political identity signals otherwise
DA Collier, S Mishra, DA Houston, BO Hensley, ND Hartlep
Journal of Further and Higher Education 43 (3), 347-362, 2019
Detecting the Correlation between Sentiment and User-level as well as Text-Level Meta-data from Benchmark Corpora
S Mishra, J Diesner
Proceedings of the 29th on Hypertext and Social Media, 2-10, 2018
Using Socio-Semantic Network Analysis for Assessing the Impact of Documentaries
J Diesner, A Aleyasen, J Kim, S Mishra, K Soltani
WIN (Workshop on Information in Networks), New York, NY, 2013
Enthusiasm and Support: Alternative Sentiment Classification for Social Movements on Social Media
S Mishra (UIUC), S Agarwal (UIUC), J Guo (UIUC), K Phelps (UIUC), ...
ACM Web Science, 261-262, 2014
Tweetnerd-end to end entity linking benchmark for tweets
S Mishra, A Saini, R Makki, S Mehta, A Haghighi, A Mollahosseini
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 1419-1433, 2022
LMSOC: An approach for socially sensitive pretraining
V Kulkarni, S Mishra, A Haghighi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.10319, 2021
WikiCSSH: extracting computer science subject headings from Wikipedia
K Han, P Yang, S Mishra, J Diesner
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 207-218, 2020
ConText: Network Construction from Texts [Software]
J Diesner, A Aleyasen, CL Chin, S Mishra, K Soltani, L Tao, 2015
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