Maria Bannert
Lehrstuhlinhaberin Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien
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Citado por 12447
Martin Daumiller
Professor of Educational Psychology, LMU Munich
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Citado por 3010
Deborah Pino Pasternak
Professor Faculty of Education, University of Canberra
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Citado por 2827
Julia Klug
Professor for Educational Psychology, PH Salzburg
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Citado por 2399
Eleftheria Gonida
Professor of Educational Psychology and Human Development, Aristotle University of
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Citado por 2016
Per Bernard Bergamin
Professor, Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences
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Citado por 1160
Kylie M. Price
Chief Technology Officer, Hugh Green Cytometry Centre, Malaghan Institute of Medical …
E-mail confirmado em malaghan.org.nz
Citado por 1079