Michael Mont
Lenox Hill Hospital and Cleveland Clinic
E-mail confirmado em northwell.edu
Citado por 70007
Philipp Niemeyer
OCM - Orthopedic Surgery Munich, Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg
E-mail confirmado em ocm-muenchen.de
Citado por 12689

Fahad S Hossain
Midland Specialist Knee Service
E-mail confirmado em fahadhossain.co.uk
Citado por 4468
Dr. John A. Grant, MD, PhD, FRCSC, Dip. Sport Med.
Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Michigan
E-mail confirmado em med.umich.edu
Citado por 2425
Chris Anthony
University of Pennsylvania Department of Orthopaedics
E-mail confirmado em pennmedicine.upenn.edu
Citado por 2215
Hassan Zmerly
University of Bologna, Italy. Head of the 1st Orthopaedics Division. Villa Erbosa, GSD.
E-mail confirmado em unibo.it
Citado por 1750
Sumit Banerjee
Professor, Orthopedics All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur
E-mail confirmado em aiimsjodhpur.edu.in
Citado por 1275
Devendra K Chouhan
Department of orthopaedics, Postgraduate institute of medical education and research …
E-mail confirmado em pgimer.edu.in
Citado por 970