Dr. Anoop Kumar

Dr. Anoop Kumar

Assistant Professor, Banaras Hindu University
E-mail confirmado em bhu.ac.in
Citado por 4267
Raj Bhala

Raj Bhala

Brenneisen Distinguished Professor, The University of Kansas, School of Law, Senior …
E-mail confirmado em ku.edu
Citado por 3255
Tania Voon

Tania Voon

Professor, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne
E-mail confirmado em unimelb.edu.au
Citado por 2349
Bryan Mercurio

Bryan Mercurio

Simon FS Li Professor of Law, Chinese Univesity of Hong Kong
E-mail confirmado em cuhk.edu.hk
Citado por 2329
Timothy Meyer

Timothy Meyer

Richard Allen/Cravath Distinguished Professor in International Business Law, Duke Law …
E-mail confirmado em law.duke.edu
Citado por 2264
Sergio Puig

Sergio Puig

Chair in International Economic Law at EUI and Evo DeConcini Professor of Law at …
E-mail confirmado em arizona.edu
Citado por 2029
Daniel Chow

Daniel Chow

Professor of Law, Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
E-mail confirmado em osu.edu
Citado por 2022
David G Corley

David G Corley

Kerry Pet Nutrition and Wellness
E-mail confirmado em kerry.com
Citado por 1938
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