Robert Giegerich
Professor for Practical Computer Science and Bioinformatics, Bielefeld University
E-mail confirmado em techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Citado por 13628
Michael Hanus
Professor of Computer Science, Institute of Informatics, CAU Kiel
E-mail confirmado em informatik.uni-kiel.de
Citado por 6533
Harald Søndergaard
Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne
E-mail confirmado em unimelb.edu.au
Citado por 3926

Peter Schneider-Kamp
Professor of Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark
E-mail confirmado em imada.sdu.dk
Citado por 3847
Herbert Kuchen
Professor for Practical Computer Science, University of Münster, Germany
E-mail confirmado em uni-muenster.de
Citado por 3685

Yuanlin Zhang
Department of Computer Science, Texas Tech University
E-mail confirmado em ttu.edu
Citado por 2048

Professor of Computer Science, Univ. of Parma, Italy
E-mail confirmado em math.unipr.it
Citado por 1993
Péter Szeredi
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
E-mail confirmado em cs.bme.hu
Citado por 1396
Olof Torgersson
Associate professor, University of Gothenburg
E-mail confirmado em chalmers.se
Citado por 1144