Enno van der Velde

Enno van der Velde

Medical Physicist, department of Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center
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Citado por 17640
Christoph Quix

Christoph Quix

Christoph Quix is a senior researcher in the Life Science Informatics group at the Fraunhofer
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Citado por 4154
Nitesh Bharosa

Nitesh Bharosa

Professor of GovTech & Innovation
E-mail confirmado em tudelft.nl
Citado por 2461
Byung Chul Kim

Byung Chul Kim

Korea University of Technology and Education
E-mail confirmado em koreatech.ac.kr
Citado por 1283
Manuel Fink

Manuel Fink

Researcher, University of Mannheim
E-mail confirmado em informatik.uni-mannheim.de
Citado por 631
Soonjo Kwon

Soonjo Kwon

Kumoh National Institute of Technology
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Citado por 563
Bahar Ghadiri Bashardoost

Bahar Ghadiri Bashardoost

University of Toronto
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Citado por 281
Maria Michaels

Maria Michaels

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
E-mail confirmado em ahrq.hhs.gov
Citado por 134
Ugo Comignani

Ugo Comignani

Associate Professor at Ensimag (Grenoble INP) - member of the TYREX team (LIG – UMR …
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Citado por 67
Hylke Foeken

Hylke Foeken

Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
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Citado por 53
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