Dirk Ifenthaler

Dirk Ifenthaler

University of Mannheim & Curtin University
E-mail confirmado em uni-mannheim.de
Citado por 14637
Hendrik Drachsler

Hendrik Drachsler

Professor for Computer Science, DIPF | Leibniz Institute & Goethe University, Frankfurt
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Citado por 12577
Jan-Willem Strijbos

Jan-Willem Strijbos

Full professor, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands
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Citado por 10008
Michael Henderson

Michael Henderson

Professor of Digital Futures in Education, Monash University
E-mail confirmado em monash.edu
Citado por 8616
Terry Judd

Terry Judd

Department of Medical Education - The University of Melbourne
E-mail confirmado em unimelb.edu.au
Citado por 6647
Guanliang Chen

Guanliang Chen

Senior Lecturer, Monash University
E-mail confirmado em monash.edu
Citado por 4466
Ahmad Ari Aldino

Ahmad Ari Aldino

Lecturer at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia | PhD student at Monash University Australia
E-mail confirmado em teknokrat.ac.id
Citado por 4382
Jennifer Hill

Jennifer Hill

Prof of HE Pedagogies and Head of Learning & Teaching Innovation, University of …
E-mail confirmado em glos.ac.uk
Citado por 3906
Lin Norton

Lin Norton

Professor Emerita of Pedagogical Research
E-mail confirmado em hope.ac.uk
Citado por 3187
Seyyed Kazem Banihashem

Seyyed Kazem Banihashem

Open Universiteit, The Netherlands
E-mail confirmado em ou.nl
Citado por 2467
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