Istvan Majzik
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Automatic verification of a behavioural subset of UML statechart diagrams using the SPIN model-checker
D Latella, I Majzik, M Massink
Formal aspects of computing 11, 637-664, 1999
Towards a formal operational semantics of UML statechart diagrams
D Latella, I Majzik, M Massink
International conference on formal methods for open object-based distributed …, 1999
VIATRA-visual automated transformations for formal verification and validation of UML models
G Csertán, G Huszerl, I Majzik, Z Pap, A Pataricza, D Varró
Proceedings 17th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software …, 2002
Dependability analysis in the early phases of UML-based system design
A Bondavalli, M Dal Cin, D Latella, I Majzik, A Pataricza, G Savoia
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 16 (5), 265-275, 2001
Stochastic dependability analysis of system architecture based on UML models
I Majzik, A Pataricza, A Bondavalli
Architecting dependable systems, 219-244, 2007
Automated dependability analysis of UML designs
A Bondavalli, I Majzik, I Mura
Proceedings 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time …, 1999
Theta: a framework for abstraction refinement-based model checking
T Tóth, Á Hajdu, A Vörös, Z Micskei, I Majzik
2017 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD), 176-179, 2017
Automatic dependability analysis for supporting design decisions in UML
A Bondavalli, I Majzik, I Mura
Proceedings 4th IEEE International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems …, 1999
Quantitative analysis of UML statechart models of dependable systems
G Huszerl, I Majzik, A Pataricza, K Kosmidis, M Dal Cin
The computer journal 45 (3), 260-277, 2002
Formal verification of safety PLC based control software
D Darvas, I Majzik, E Blanco Viñuela
Integrated Formal Methods: 12th International Conference, IFM 2016 …, 2016
A concept for testing robustness and safety of the context-aware behaviour of autonomous systems
Z Micskei, Z Szatmári, J Oláh, I Majzik
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems. Technologies and Applications: 6th KES …, 2012
Checking general safety criteria on UML statecharts
Z Pap, I Majzik, A Pataricza
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 46-55, 2001
Towards system-level testing with coverage guarantees for autonomous vehicles
I Majzik, O Semeráth, C Hajdu, K Marussy, Z Szatmári, Z Micskei, A Vörös, ...
2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2019
UML-based design and formal analysis of a safety-critical railway control software module
A Pataricza, I Majzik, G Huszerl, G Várnai
Safety 48 (48V), 48V, 2003
The gamma statechart composition framework: Design, verification and code generation for component-based reactive systems
V Molnár, B Graics, A Vörös, I Majzik, D Varró
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
Program code generation based on UML statechart models
G Pintér, I Majzik
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering (Archives) 47 (3-4), 187-204, 2003
PLC code generation based on a formal specification language
D Darvas, EB Viñuela, I Majzik
2016 IEEE 14th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2016
Methods of checking general safety criteria in UML statechart specifications
Z Pap, I Majzik, A Pataricza, A Szegi
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 87 (1), 89-107, 2005
Completeness and consistency analysis of UML statechart specifications
Z Pap, I Majzik, A Pataricza, A Szegi
Proc. of IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems …, 2001
Robustness testing techniques and tools
Z Micskei, H Madeira, A Avritzer, I Majzik, M Vieira, N Antunes
Resilience assessment and evaluation of computing systems, 323-339, 2012
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