Flow: The psychology of optimal experience M Csikszentmihalyi, M Csikzentmihaly Harper & Row 1990, 1, 1990 | 52735 | 1990 |
Positive psychology: An introduction. MEP Seligman, M Csikszentmihalyi American psychologist 55 (1), 5, 2000 | 47905* | 2000 |
Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention M Csikszentmihalyi HarperPerennial, New York 39, 1-16, 1997 | 19790 | 1997 |
Beyond boredom and anxiety. M Csikszentmihalyi Jossey-bass, 2000 | 18519 | 2000 |
Finding flow: The psychology of engagement with everyday life M Csikszentmihalhi Hachette UK, 2020 | 9955 | 2020 |
The meaning of things: Domestic symbols and the self M Csikszentmihalyi, E Halton Cambridge university press, 1981 | 5746 | 1981 |
Optimal experience: Psychological studies of flow in consciousness M Csikszentmihalyi, IS Csikszentmihalyi Cambridge university press, 1992 | 5597 | 1992 |
A systems perspective on creativity M Csikszentmihalyi Creative management, 11-26, 2001 | 3925 | 2001 |
Society, culture, and person: A systems view of creativity M Csikszentmihalyi, M Csikszentmihalyi The systems model of creativity: The collected works of Mihaly …, 2014 | 3713 | 2014 |
Talented teenagers: The roots of success and failure M Csikszentmihalyi, K Rathunde, S Whalen Cambridge University Press, 1997 | 3444 | 1997 |
The evolving self: A psychology for the third millennium M Csikszentmihalyi Harper Collins, 2009 | 3053 | 2009 |
Being adolescent: Conflict and growth in the teenage years M Csikszentmihalyi, R Larson (No Title), 1984 | 2991 | 1984 |
The experience sampling method M Csikszentmihalyi, R Larson, M Csikszentmihalyi Flow and the foundations of positive psychology: The collected works of …, 2014 | 2476 | 2014 |
The flow experience and its significance for human psychology M Csikszentmihalyi Optimal experience: Psychological studies of flow in consciousness 2, 15-35, 1988 | 2078 | 1988 |
Das flow-Erlebnis: jenseits von Angst und Langeweile: im Tun aufgehen M Csikszentmihalyi Klett-Cotta, 1987 | 2035 | 1987 |
Flow in sports SA Jackson, M Csikszentmihalyi Human Kinetics, 1999 | 1999 | 1999 |
Creatividad: el fluir y la psicología del descubrimiento y la invención M Csikszentmihalyi Paidós, 1998 | 1719 | 1998 |
Flow: The classic work on how to achieve happiness M Csikszentmihalyi Random House, 2002 | 1506 | 2002 |
Television and the quality of life: How viewing shapes everyday experience R Kubey, M Csikszentmihalyi Routledge, 2013 | 1363 | 2013 |
The measurement of flow in everyday life: toward a theory of emergent motivation. M Csikszentmihalyi, K Rathunde University of Nebraska Press, 1993 | 1122 | 1993 |