The earliest modern humans outside Africa I Hershkovitz, GW Weber, R Quam, M Duval, R Grün, L Kinsley, A Ayalon, ... Science 359 (6374), 456-459, 2018 | 547 | 2018 |
Dating the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition in the Levant: A view from Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel H Valladas, N Mercier, I Hershkovitz, Y Zaidner, A Tsatskin, R Yeshurun, ... Journal of human evolution 65 (5), 585-593, 2013 | 95 | 2013 |
Adaptive flexibility of Oldowan hominins: secondary use of flakes at Bizat Ruhama, Israel Y Zaidner PLoS One 8 (6), e66851, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Introducing Misliya cave, Mount Carmel, Israel: A new continuous lower/middle Paleolithic sequence in the Levant M Weinstein-Evron, G Bar-Oz, Y Zaidner, A Tsatskin, D Druck, N Porat, ... Eurasian Prehistory 1 (1), 31-55, 2003 | 81 | 2003 |
A series of Mousterian occupations in a new type of site: The Nesher Ramla karst depression, Israel Y Zaidner, A Frumkin, N Porat, A Tsatskin, R Yeshurun, L Weissbrod Journal of human evolution 66, 1-17, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
Axe age: Acheulian tool-making from quarry to discard N Goren-Inbar, S Gonen Taylor & Francis, 2024 | 75 | 2024 |
A Middle Pleistocene Homo from Nesher Ramla, Israel I Hershkovitz, H May, R Sarig, A Pokhojaev, D Grimaud-Hervé, E Bruner, ... Science 372 (6549), 1424-1428, 2021 | 73 | 2021 |
Formation processes and combustion features at the lower layers of the Middle Palaeolithic open-air site of Nesher Ramla, Israel DE Friesem, Y Zaidner, R Shahack-Gross Quaternary International 331, 128-138, 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
L’industrie microlithique du Paléolithique inférieur de Bizat Ruhama, Israël Y Zaidner, A Ronen, JM Burdukiewicz L'anthropologie 107 (2), 203-222, 2003 | 68* | 2003 |
On holes and strings: Earliest displays of human adornment in the Middle Palaeolithic DE Bar-Yosef Mayer, I Groman-Yaroslavski, O Bar-Yosef, I Hershkovitz, ... PLoS One 15 (7), e0234924, 2020 | 60 | 2020 |
Flake modification in European Early and Early–Middle Pleistocene stone tool assemblages D Barsky, J Garcia, K Martínez, R Sala, Y Zaidner, E Carbonell, ... Quaternary International 316, 140-154, 2013 | 59 | 2013 |
The end of the Lower Paleolithic in the Levant: the Acheulo-Yabrudian lithic technology at Misliya Cave, Israel Y Zaidner, M Weinstein-Evron Quaternary International 409, 9-22, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
Early Pleistocene Hominins Outside of Africa: Recent Excavations at Bizat Ruhama, Israel. Y Zaidner, R Yeshurun, C Mallol PaleoAnthropology 2010, 162-195, 2010 | 54 | 2010 |
Sagging and collapse sinkholes over hypogenic hydrothermal karst in a carbonate terrain A Frumkin, Y Zaidner, I Na'aman, A Tsatskin, N Porat, L Vulfson Geomorphology 229, 45-57, 2015 | 53 | 2015 |
Acheulo-Yabrudian handaxes from Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel Y Zaidner, D Druck, M Weinstein-Evron Axe Age, 243-266, 2024 | 44 | 2024 |
Making a point: the early middle Palaeolithic tool assemblage of Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel Y Zaidner, M Weinstein-Evron Before Farming 2012 (4), 1-23, 2012 | 44 | 2012 |
A Window into Early Middle Paleolithic Human Occupational Layers: Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel. M Weinstein-Evron, A Tsatskin, S Weiner, R Shahack-Gross, A Frumkin, ... PaleoAnthropology 2012, 202-228, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
The emergence of the Levallois technology in the Levant: A view from the Early Middle Paleolithic site of Misliya Cave, Israel Y Zaidner, M Weinstein-Evron Journal of human evolution 144, 102785, 2020 | 39 | 2020 |
Middle Paleolithic sidescrapers were resharped or recycled? A view from Nesher Ramla, Israel Y Zaidner, L Grosman Quaternary International 361, 178-187, 2015 | 39 | 2015 |
Lower Paleolithic hominin ecology at the fringe of the desert: Faunal remains from Bizat Ruhama and Nahal Hesi, Northern Negev, Israel R Yeshurun, Y Zaidner, V Eisenmann, B Martínez-Navarro, G Bar-Oz Journal of Human Evolution 60 (4), 492-507, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |