Tati Barus
Tati Barus
Faculty of Biotechnology, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
Zweryfikowany adres z atmajaya.ac.id
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Role of bacteria in tempe bitter taste formation: microbiological and molecular biological analysis based on 16S rRNA gene
T Barus, A Suwanto, AT Wahyudi, H Wijaya
Microbiology Indonesia 2 (1), 4, 2008
Pengaruh media tanam hidroponik terhadap pertumbuhan bayam (Amaranthus sp.) dan selada (Lactuca sativa)
RE Warjoto, T Barus, J Mulyawan
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan 20 (2), 118-125, 2020
Mikrobiota dominan dan perannya dalam cita rasa tape singkong
T Barus, LN Wijaya
Biota: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 354-561, 2011
Tempeh antioxidant activity using DPPH method: effects of fermentation, processing, and microorganisms
T Barus, NN Titarsole, N Mulyono, VD Prasasty
Journal of Food Engineering and Technology 8 (2), 75-80, 2019
Genetic diversity of Klebsiella spp. isolated from tempe based on enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR)
T Barus, I Hanjaya, J Sadeli, BW LAY, A Suwanto, A Yulandi
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 20 (4), 171-176, 2013
Diversity of amylase-producing bacillus spp. from “tape”(fermented cassava)
T Barus, A Kristani, ADI Yulandi
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 20 (2), 94-98, 2013
Diversity of protease-producing Bacillus spp. from fresh Indonesian tempeh based on 16S rRNA gene sequence
T Barus, L Wati, A Suwanto
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 24 (1), 35-40, 2017
Klebsiella pneumoniae from Indonesian tempeh were genetically different from that of pathogenic isolates.
E Ayu, A Suwanto, T Barus
Kualitas Tempe menggunakan Rhizopus delemar TB 26 dan R. delemar TB 37 yang Diisolasi dari Inokulum Tradisional Tempe “daun waru.”
T Barus, DP Salim, AT Hartanti
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 8 (4), 143-148, 2019
Effects of fermentation and sterilization on quality of soybean milk.
A Sebastian, T Barus, N Mulyono
International Food Research Journal 25 (6), 2018
Lactic acid bacteria from tempeh and their ability to acidify soybeans in tempeh fermentation.
T Barus, G Giovania, BW Lay
Peningkatan Kesadaran Lingkungan Bagi Pengurus Organisasi Siswa Intra-Sekolah: Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair Dari Limbah
RE Warjoto, T Barus
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia 4 (1), 39-47, 2021
Peran beberapa galur Rhizopus microsporus yang berasal dari “laru tradisional” dalam menentukan kualitas tempe
T Barus, F Maya, AT Hartanti
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 8 (1), 2019
Pelatihan membuat tahu yang sehat pada WKRI Paroki St. Maria Fatima, Sentul City, Bogor
T Barus, YRE Wulandari, RA Hutagalung, AW Gunawan
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia 2 (1), 145-154, 2019
Identifikasi dan keragaman genetik bakteri asam laktat dari tapai singkong berdasarkan sekuen gen 16s rRNA
T Barus, S Chalista, BW Lay
Biota: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 46-52, 2017
Dominant microbiota and its role in the taste of cassava tape
T Barus, N Wijaya
J. Biota 16, 354-361, 2011
Genetic diversity of Rhizopus microsporus from traditional inoculum of tempeh in Indonesia based on ITS sequences and RAPD marker: Genetic diversity in Rhizopus microsporus
T Barus, R Halim, AT Hartanti, PK Saputra
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (3), 847-852, 2019
Genetic profiles of Escherichia coli isolated from Indonesian Tempeh based on Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus-Polymerase Chain Reaction …
Q A'Yun, A Suwanto, T Barus
Potensi spons sebagai media alternatif budidaya sayuran dengan sistem hidroponik
T Barus, A Weisa, RE Warjoto
Agrotechnology Research Journal 5 (1), 7-11, 2021
Genotypic characterization of Rhizopus species from tempeh and Usar: traditional inoculum of tempeh in Indonesia.
T Barus, JW Sanjaya, D Tandjung, AT Hartanti, A Yulandi, VD Prasasty
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