Block-compatible metaplectic cocycles WD Banks, J Levy, MR Sepanski
Walter de Gruyter 1999 (507), 131-163, 1999
66 1999 Twisted symmetric-square -functions and the nonexistence of Siegel zeros on WD Banks
66 1997 Sato--Tate, cyclicity, and divisibility statistics on average for elliptic curves of small height WD Banks, IE Shparlinski
arXiv preprint math/0609144, 2006
59 2006 Character sums over integers with restricted -ary digits WD Banks, A Conflitti, IE Shparlinski
Illinois Journal of Mathematics 46 (3), 819-836, 2002
56 2002 Prime numbers with Beatty sequences WD Banks, IE Shparlinski
arXiv preprint arXiv:0708.1015, 2007
53 2007 Piatetski-Shapiro sequences RC Baker, WD Banks, J Brüdern, IE Shparlinski, AJ Weingartner
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.5884, 2012
48 2012 Multiplicative structure of values of the Euler function WD Banks, JB Friedlander, C Pomerance, IE Shparlinski
Mathematics publications (MU), 2004
47 2004 On limit points of the sequence of normalized prime gaps WD Banks, T Freiberg, J Maynard
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 113 (4), 515-539, 2016
44 2016 Exponential sums over Mersenne numbers WD Banks, A Conflitti, JB Friedlander, IE Shparlinski
Compositio Mathematica 140 (1), 15-30, 2004
43 2004 A corollary to Bernstein’s theorem and Whittaker functionals on the metaplectic group WD Banks
Mathematical Research Letters 5 (6), 781-790, 1998
43 1998 Consecutive primes in tuples WD Banks, T Freiberg, CL Turnage-Butterbaugh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.7003, 2013
42 2013 Almost all palindromes are composite WD Banks, DN Hart, M Sakata
arXiv preprint math/0405056, 2004
41 2004 A variant of NTRU with non-invertible polynomials WD Banks, IE Shparlinski
International Conference on Cryptology in India, 62-70, 2002
41 2002 Arithmetic properties of numbers with restricted digits WD Banks, IE Shparlinski
ACTA ARITHMETICA-WARSZAWA- 112 (4), 313-332, 2004
38 2004 Short character sums with Beatty sequences WD Banks, IE Shparlinski
Mathematical Research Letters 13 (4), 539-547, 2006
36 2006 Arithmetic functions on Beatty sequences AG Abercrombie, WD Banks, IE Shparlinski
Acta Arith 136 (1), 81-89, 2009
35 2009 Concatenations with binary recurrent sequences WD Banks, F Luca
Mathematics publications (MU), 2005
35 2005 On the average value of divisor sums in arithmetic progressions WD Banks, R Heath-Brown, IE Shparlinski
International Mathematics Research Notices 2005 (1), 1-25, 2005
35 2005 Non-residues and primitive roots in Beatty sequences WD Banks, IE Shparlinski
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 73 (3), 433-443, 2006
32 2006 On group structures realized by elliptic curves over arbitrary finite fields WD Banks, F Pappalardi, IE Shparlinski
Experimental Mathematics 21 (1), 11-25, 2012
31 2012