Xiaojuan Yang
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Phosphorus transformations as a function of pedogenesis: A synthesis of soil phosphorus data using Hedley fractionation method
X Yang, WM Post
Biogeosciences 8 (10), 2907-2916, 2011
The distribution of soil phosphorus for global biogeochemical modeling
X Yang, WM Post, PE Thornton, A Jain
Biogeosciences 10 (4), 2525-2537, 2013
Model–data synthesis for the next generation of forest free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments
RJ Norby, MG De Kauwe, TF Domingues, RA Duursma, DS Ellsworth, ...
New Phytologist 209 (1), 17-28, 2016
Amazon forest response to CO2 fertilization dependent on plant phosphorus acquisition
K Fleischer, A Rammig, MG De Kauwe, AP Walker, TF Domingues, ...
Nature Geoscience 12 (9), 736-741, 2019
Greenhouse gas emissions and crop yield in no-tillage systems: A meta-analysis
Y Huang, W Ren, L Wang, D Hui, JH Grove, X Yang, B Tao, B Goff
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 268, 144-153, 2018
Incorporating phosphorus cycling into global modeling efforts: a worthwhile, tractable endeavor
SC Reed, X Yang, PE Thornton
New Phytologist 208 (2), 324-329, 2015
The role of phosphorus dynamics in tropical forests–a modeling study using CLM-CNP
X Yang, PE Thornton, DM Ricciuto, WM Post
Biogeosciences 11 (6), 1667-1681, 2014
Modeling the effects of two different land cover change data sets on the carbon stocks of plants and soils in concert with CO2 and climate change
AK Jain, X Yang
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (2), 2005
Nitrogen attenuation of terrestrial carbon cycle response to global environmental factors
A Jain, X Yang, H Kheshgi, AD McGuire, W Post, D Kicklighter
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23 (4), 2009
The impact of alternative trait‐scaling hypotheses for the maximum photosynthetic carboxylation rate (Vcmax) on global gross primary production
AP Walker, T Quaife, PM Bodegom, MG De Kauwe, TF Keenan, J Joiner, ...
New Phytologist 215 (4), 1370-1386, 2017
Integration of nitrogen cycle dynamics into the Integrated Science Assessment Model for the study of terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change
X Yang, V Wittig, AK Jain, W Post
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23 (4), 2009
Representing nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon interactions in the E3SM land model: Development and global benchmarking
Q Zhu, WJ Riley, J Tang, N Collier, FM Hoffman, X Yang, G Bisht
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11 (7), 2238-2258, 2019
Using models to guide field experiments: a priori predictions for the CO2 response of a nutrient‐ and water‐limited native Eucalypt woodland
BE Medlyn, MG De Kauwe, S Zaehle, AP Walker, RA Duursma, K Luus, ...
Global change biology 22 (8), 2834-2851, 2016
Rapid net carbon loss from a whole‐ecosystem warmed peatland
PJ Hanson, NA Griffiths, CM Iversen, RJ Norby, SD Sebestyen, JR Phillips, ...
Agu Advances 1 (3), e2020AV000163, 2020
The DOE E3SM v1. 1 biogeochemistry configuration: Description and simulated ecosystem‐climate responses to historical changes in forcing
SM Burrows, M Maltrud, X Yang, Q Zhu, N Jeffery, X Shi, D Ricciuto, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12 (9), e2019MS001766, 2020
Phosphorus in agricultural soils: drivers of its distribution at the global scale
B Ringeval, L Augusto, H Monod, D Van Apeldoorn, L Bouwman, X Yang, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (8), 3418-3432, 2017
Estimates of global biomass burning emissions for reactive greenhouse gases (CO, NMHCs, and NOx) and CO2
AK Jain, Z Tao, X Yang, C Gillespie
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D6), 2006
Spatial variability of soil organic carbon in the forestlands of northeast China
L Liu, H Wang, W Dai, X Lei, X Yang, X Li
Journal of forestry research 25 (4), 867-876, 2014
Diagnosing phosphorus limitations in natural terrestrial ecosystems in carbon cycle models
Y Sun, S Peng, DS Goll, P Ciais, B Guenet, M Guimberteau, P Hinsinger, ...
Earth's Future 5 (7), 730-749, 2017
Contributions of secondary forest and nitrogen dynamics to terrestrial carbon uptake
X Yang, TK Richardson, AK Jain
Biogeosciences 7 (10), 3041-3050, 2010
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