Spin coupling between cold atoms and the thermal fluctuations of a metal surface MPA Jones, CJ Vale, D Sahagun, BV Hall, EA Hinds
Physical review letters 91 (8), 080401, 2003
331 2003 Measurement of -wave scattering lengths in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate M Egorov, B Opanchuk, P Drummond, BV Hall, P Hannaford, AI Sidorov
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 053614, 2013
226 2013 Spatially inhomogeneous phase evolution of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate RP Anderson, C Ticknor, AI Sidorov, BV Hall
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 023603, 2009
124 2009 Condensate splitting in an asymmetric double well for atom chip based sensors BV Hall, S Whitlock, R Anderson, P Hannaford, AI Sidorov
Physical review letters 98 (3), 030402, 2007
120 2007 Bose-Einstein condensation on a permanent-magnet atom chip CDJ Sinclair, EA Curtis, IL Garcia, JA Retter, BV Hall, S Eriksson, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (3), 031603, 2005
99 2005 Long-lived periodic revivals of coherence in an interacting Bose-Einstein condensate M Egorov, RP Anderson, V Ivannikov, B Opanchuk, P Drummond, BV Hall, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 021605, 2011
85 2011 Cold atoms probe the magnetic field near a wire MPA Jones, CJ Vale, D Sahagun, BV Hall, CC Eberlein, BE Sauer, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37 (2), L15, 2003
81 2003 A permanent magnetic film atom chip for Bose–Einstein condensation BV Hall, S Whitlock, F Scharnberg, P Hannaford, A Sidorov
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (1), 27, 2005
68 2005 Manipulation of cold atoms using a corrugated magnetic reflector P Rosenbusch, BV Hall, IG Hughes, CV Saba, EA Hinds
Physical Review A 61 (3), 031404, 2000
44 2000 Manipulation of cold atoms by an adaptable magnetic reflector P Rosenbusch, BV Hall, IG Hughes, CV Saba, EA Hinds
Applied Physics B 70, 709-720, 2000
41 2000 Effect of magnetization inhomogeneity on magnetic microtraps for atoms S Whitlock, BV Hall, T Roach, R Anderson, M Volk, P Hannaford, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (4), 043602, 2007
37 2007 Cold atoms in videotape micro-traps CDJ Sinclair, JA Retter, EA Curtis, BV Hall, I Llorente Garcia, S Eriksson, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2005
32 2005 Doppler-free two-photon resonances for atom detection and sum frequency stabilization AM Akulshin, BV Hall, V Ivannikov, AA Orel, AI Sidorov
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44 (21), 215401, 2011
26 2011 Long term laser frequency control for applications in atomicphysics BTH Varcoe, BV Hall, G Johnson, PM Johnson, WR MacGillivray, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 11 (11), N111, 2000
15 2000 Reflection of cold atoms by a cobalt single crystal P Rosenbusch, JA Retter, BV Hall, EA Hinds, F Lison, D Haubrich, ...
Applied Physics B 70, 661-663, 2000
14 2000 Scanning magnetoresistance microscopy of atom chips M Volk, S Whitlock, CH Wolff, BV Hall, AI Sidorov
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2), 2008
11 2008 Preparation of a Bose–Einstein condensate on a permanent-magnet atom chip CDJ Sinclair, EA Curtis, JA Retter, BV Hall, IL Garcia, S Eriksson, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 19 (1), 74, 2005
11 2005 Superelastic electron scattering from laser excited rubidium at 20 eV incident energy BV Hall, Y Shen, AJ Murray, MC Standage, WR MacGillivray, I Bray
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37 (5), 1113, 2004
5 2004 Atom chips CJ Vale, BV Hall, DC Lau, MEA Jones, JA Retter, EA Hinds
Europhysics News 33 (6), 198-199, 2002
5 2002 Body R Hall, L Tugwell, T Morbandt
5 2001